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Biographical Index

The present country location of birthplaces is indicated by using the following

abbreviations: Austria (A): Czechoslovakia (CS): France (F): Great Britain

(GB): Hungary (H): Italy (I): Poland (P): Romania (R): the Soviet Union

(SU): and Yugoslavia (Y).

Abrahám, Dezsö (Debrecen, H; 1875-1973)

Prime minister of the second Szeged government,1914.

Allizé, Henri

French representative to Vienna.

Aleksander (1888-1934)

Regent of Serbia, 1914- 18. Regent of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and

Slovenes, 1918-21; King of Yugoslavia, 1921-34.

Andrássy, Gyula, Jr.. Count (Töketerebes, CS; 1860-1929)

Magnate from Northern Hungary; last foreign minister of the Austro-Hun-

garian monarchy.

Apáthy, István (Pest, H; 1863-1922)

Professor at the University of Kolozsvár; Hungarian High Commissioner

for Transylvania, 1918-19.

Apponyi. Albert, Count (Vienna, A; 1846-1933)

Magnate from Northern Hungary; head of the Hungarian Peace Delegation

to Paris, 1920

Bacsó, Béla (Kassa, CS; 1891-1920)

Journalist for the socialist Népszava; murdered by members of the Osten-

burg detachment.

Bánffy, Miklós, Count (Kolozsvár, R; 1874- 1950)

Transylvanian magnate; foreign minister of Hungary, 1921-22.

Bánffy, Zoltán, Baron (Beresztelke, R; 1886 -?)

Transylvanian magnate; member of the Hungarian Peace Delegation to

Paris , 1920.

Bárdoss, Béla

Captain; member of the Prónay detachment.

Bartos, János (Besztercebánya, CS; 1885-?)

High commissioner for Esztergom, Györ, Fejér, Komárom, and Vesz-

prém counties, 1919.

Battyány, Tivadar, Count (Zalaszentgrót, H; I859-1931)

Minister of interior, 1918.

Bédy-Schwimmer, Róza (Budapest, H; 1877-1948)

Hungarian ambassador to Switzerland, 19l9.

Benes, Edvard (1884 -1948 )

Foreign minister of Czechoslovakia, 1918-35; prime minister of Czechoslo-

vakia, 1921-22; president of Czechoslovakia, 1935-38; 1946 48.

Beniczky, Odön (Zólyom, CS; 1878 - 1931)

High-sheriff of Bars and Esztergom counties; minister of interior, 1919-20;

legitimist politician.

Berthelot, Henri (1861-1931)

French general, commander of the French forces in Romania, 1918-19.

Bethlen, István, Count (Gernyeszeg, R; l874-1947)

Prime minister of Hungary, 1921-31.

Bleyer, Jakab (Dunacséb, Y; 1874-1933)

From a Transylvanian Saxon family; professor at the University of Kolozs-

vár, minister of national minorities, 1919- 20.

Böhm, Vilmos (Budapest, H; 1880-1949)

Minister of defense in the Berinkey government and during the Hungarian

Soviet Republic, 1919.

Bónis, Arkangyal

Franciscan priest, attached to the officers' detachments: member of the


Borghese, Livio Giuseppe, Prince (1874-1939)

Special emissary of Italy to Vienna, 1919.

Bornemissza, Gyula, Baron (Kolozsvár, R; 1873-?)

Foreign minister of the Szeged government, 1919.

Brodmann, Willibald (1883-1922?)

Leader of the Austrian Bauernkommando Straden, 1919.

Budaváry, László (Magyarkomjáth, R; 1889-?)

Member of the National Assembly; vice-president of EME.

Buday, László (Pécs, H; (1873 -1925)

President of the Magyar Statisztikai Társaság [Hungarian Statistical As-

sociation] .

Clerk, George, Sir (1876-1943)

British diplomat special emissary of the Allies to Hungary, 1919.

Csáky, Imre, Count (Szepesmindszent, CS; 1882-1961)

Hungarian foreign minister, 1920.

Csernoch, János, Cardinal (Szakalca, CS; 1852-1927)

Prince Primate of Hungary. 1913-27.

Cserny, József (?; l892-1919)

Commander of a terror group during the Hungarian Soviet Republic; exe-

cuted in 1919.

Csilléry, András (Budapest, 1883-?)

Minister of health and public welfare, 1919.

Cuninghhame, Thomas, Sir (1877-1945)

British colonel, head of the British Military Mission in Vienna, 1919.

d'Esperey, Franchet (1856-1942)

French general; commander-in-chief of the Allied Armies of the Orient.

Diaz, Armando (1861-1928)

Commander-in-chief of the Allied forces in Italy.

Dvorcsák, Gyözö (Felsövizköz, CS; 1878-?)

Member of the National Assembly.

Eckhardt, Tibor (Makó, H; 1888 - 1972)

County official in Tordaaranyos; director of the press bureau of Prime

Minister Teleki; member of the National Assembly; president of the

EME; member of the EKSz.

Ernszt, Sándor (Galgóc, CS; 1870-1938)

Papal prelate; a leader of KNEP.

Feilitzsch, Berchtold, Baron (1867-?)

Prewar high-sheriff of Szabolcs county; president of EKSz; vice-president of

the Arrow Cross Upper House, 1944-45.

Ferdinand I

King of Romania, 1914-27.

Foch, Ferdinand (1851-1929)

Marshal of France; commander-in-chief of the Allied armies after April


Fornet, Gyula (Rimaszombat, CS; 1869 ?)

Last deputy-sheriff (alispán) of Gömör county.

Franz Joseph (1830- 1916)

Emperor of Austria, 1848-1916; King of Hungary, 1867-1916.

Friedrich, István (Malacka, CS; 1883-1958)

Prime minister of Hungary, 1919.

Gaál, Gaszton (Székesfehérvár, H; 1868-1932)

Member of the National Assembly; president of the Smallholders Party,


Gömbös, Gyula (Murga, H; 1886 - 1936)

Captain in the General Staff of the Imperial and Royal Army; prime

minister of Hungary, 1932-36; president of MOVE; a founder of EKSz;

one of the Twelve Captains.

Gondrecourt, Count, Henri de (1867-?)

Commander of the French forces in Szeged.

Görgey, György

Captain, aide-de-camp to Horthy; colonel, 1927, commander of the Royal

Palace Guards; member of EKSz; one of the Twelve Captains.

Görgey, József (Debrecen, H; 1886 -?)

Cavalry captain; member of parliament: member of EKSz; one of the

Twelve Captains.

Gorton, Reginald (1860-1944)

General; British member of the Allied Military Mission to Hungary,


Gratz, Gusztáv (Gölnicbánya, CS; 1875-1946)

Member of the Vienna ABC; legitimist politician; foreign minister of

Hungary , 1920-21.

Gregory, Thomas

Captain (U.S.); aide to Herbert C. Hoover, American Relief Administra-


Grünwald, Béla (Szentantal, H; 18-39 1891)

Historian; member of Parliament.

Haller, István (Mezöpetrény, R; 1880-1964)

Minister of propaganda, 1919; minister of religion and education. 1919-20.

Hardy, Kálmán

Captain; aide-de-camp to Horthy; member of EKSz; one of the Twelve

Captains .

Haubrich, József (Detta, R; 1883-1939)

Commissar of defense during the Hungarian Soviet Republic; minister of

defense in the Peidl government; executed during Stalin's purges, 1939.

Hegyeshalmi, Lajos (Budapest, H; l862-1925)

Minister of commerce, 1919; 1920-22.

Héjjas, Iván (Kecskemét, H; 1891-?)

Leader of a terror group, 1919-20; member of parliament; member of


Hír, György (Pákozd, H; 1880-1926)

Leader of an officers' detachment; member of National Assembly; member

of EME and EKSz; murdered by antilegitimists, 1926).

Hodza, Milan (1878-1944)

Prime minister of Czechoslovakia, 1935-38.

Hoover, Herbert C, (1874-1964)

Director general of the European Relief and Reconstruction Commission

and chairman of the Interallied Food Council; president of the United

States, 1929-33.

Horowitz, Nathan

Colonel, U.S. Army.

Horthy, István (Kenderes, H; 1858-1937)

General .

Horthy, Miklós (Kenderes, H; 1868 - 1957)

Admiral, Regent of Hungary, 1920-1944.

Huszár, Elemér (Ipolybalog, CS; 1883-?)

Legitimist politician; member of the National Assembly.

Huszár, Károly (Nussdorf, A; 1882-1941)

Prime minister of Hungary, 1919-20.

Igmándy-Hegyessy, Géza

Captain; one of the Twelve Captains.

Jancsó, Benedek (Gelence, R; 1854-1930)

Historian, expert on Hungary's nationality questions.

Jankovich-Besán, Endre, Count (Terezovac, CS; 1884- ?)

Landowner; leader of an officers' detachment, 1919; member of the

National Assembly; member of EKSz.

Jászi, Oszkár (Nagykároly, R; 1875-1957)

Sociologist; minister of national minorities, 1918-19.

Habsburg, József (Joseph), Archduke (Alcsut, H; 1872-1962)

Governor of Hungary, 1919.

Joseph II

Emperor of Austria, 1780-90.

Károly IV (Emperor Karl) (1887-1922)

King of Hungary, 1916-18.

Károlyi, Gyula, Count (Nyírbakta, R; 1871-1947)

Landowner; prime minister of the governments of Arad and Szeged, 1919;

prime minister of Hungary, 1931-32.

Károlyi, Imre, Count (Macsa, R; 1873-1943)

Landowner, economist; president of the Magyar-Angol Bank; member of


Károlyi, Mihály, Count (Budapest, H; 1875-1955)

Magnate; prime minister of Hungary, 1918 19; president of Hungary, 1919.

Kelemen, Béla (Szeged, H; 1863-?)

Minister of interior in the Szeged government, 1919.

Keresztes-Fisher, Lajos

Captain in the General Staff of the Imperial and Royal Army; one of the

Twelve Captains; Chief of Staff of the Hungarian army, 1938.

Kiss, Menyhért (Nyáradköszvényes, R; 1880-?)

Member of the National Assembly; vice-president of ÉME.

Klebelsberg, Kunó, Count (Magyarpécska, R; 1875-1932)

Minister of interior, 1921-22; minister of religion and education, 1922-30).

Koós, Miklós

Captain, aide to Horthy; one of the Twelve Captains; member of EKSz;

later lieutenant general.

Korányi, Frigyes, Baron (Pest, H; 1869-1935)

Minister of finance, 1919-20; 1931-32.

Koródi Katona, János (Nagybánya, R; 1890-?)

County official in Transylvania; member of the National Assembly; member

of EME.

Korvin, Ottó (Nagybocskó, R; 1894-1919)

Bank official; head of the political division of the commissariat of interior

during the Soviet Republic, 1919; executed in 1919.

Kosciuszko, Tadeusz (1746-1817) :

Polish general; leader of the national resistance during 1792-95.

Kossuth, Lajos (Monok, H; 1802-1894)

Leader of the 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution.

Kozma, Miklós (Nagyvárad, R; 1884 1941)

Cavalry captain; minister of interior, 1935-37; member of EKSz; one of the

Twelve Captains.

Kramar, Karel (1860 - 1937)

Prime minister of Czechoslovakia, 1918-19.

Kratochwill, Károly (Köszeg, H; 1869-?)

Colonel; commander of the Székely Division, 1918-19.

Kun, Béla (Szilágycsehi, R; 1886-1939)

Leader of the Hungarian Soviet Republic, 1919. Executed during Stalin's

purges, 1939.

Kutkafalvy, Miklós (Nagyruszka, SU; 1882-?)

Leader of national resistance in Ruthenia, 1918; member of the National


Lehár, Antal, Baron (Sopron, H; 1867-1962)

Colonel; commander of the Feldbach group; commander of the Szombathely

or "Lehár" Division.

Lovászy, Márton (Zenta, Y; 1867-1927)

Liberal politician; minister of religion and education, 1918; foreign minister,


Mackensen, August von (1849-1945)

Field marshal; commander of the combined Austro-Hungarian and German

armies in Romania, 1916-18.

Madary, Antal

Captain; commander of an officers, detachment, 1919.

Magasházy, László (Sárkeresztúr, H; 1879-1959)

Captain in 1919; aide-de-camp to Horthy, 1920-29; general, 1937; member

of EKSz; one of the Twelve Captains.

Márton, Béla (Budapest, 1896-?)

Landowner; member of MOVE; one of the Twelve Captains; member of

parliament .

Návay, Lajos (1870-1919)

President of Parliament, 1911-12; executed by the Cserny group, 1919.

Odescalchy, Károly, Prince

Landowner, legitimist politician; member of EKSz.

Ostenburg-Moravek, Gyula (Marosvásárhely, R; l884-1944?)

Captain in 1919; commander of an officers detachment, 1919-20; a military

leader of the second legitimist putsch, l921.

Pallavicini, György, Margrave (Budapest, 1881-1946)

Landowner, legitimist politician; member of the Vienna ABC; member of

the National Assembly.

Pállfy-Duan, József, Count (Stübing, A; 1892-l945?)

Landowner; staff captain in the National Army. .

Pálmai, Lajos (Arad, R; 1866- ?)

Liberal politician; minister of food supplies in the Arad and Second Szeged

governments; minister of justice in the Gyula Károlyi government, 1919.

Pasic, Nikola (1845?-1926)

Prime minister of Serbia, 1903-21; prime minister of Yugoslavia for most of

the 1921-26 period.

Peidl, Gyula (Ravazd, H; 1873-1943)

Moderate Socialist politician; prime minister of Hungary, August, 1919.

Pekár, Gyula (Debrecen, H; 1867-1937)

Writer; member of the White House group; minister without portfolio,

1919; member of the National Assembly.

Perényi, Zsigmond, Baron (Pest, H; 1870 - 1946)

Minister of interior, 1919.

Pethes, László (Selmecbánya?, CS; 1885-?)

High commissioner in Selmecbánya, 1918; member of the Szeged ABC;

served in the National Army; member of the National Assembly.

Petrichevich-Horváth, Emil, Baron (Dés. R; 1881-1945)

High-sheriff of Nagyküküllö county, R; 1917-18; member of the National

Assembly; head of the National Refugee Office.

Pogány, József (Budapest, H; 1886 - 1939)

Commissar of defense and foreign affairs during the Hungarian Soviet

Republic, 1919; executed during Stalin's purges, 1939.

Polnay, Jenö

Minister of food supplies, 1919.

Prohászka, Ottokár (Nyitra, CS; 1858 -1927)

Bishop of Székesfehérvár, H; 1905-27; president of KNEP; member of

the National Assembly.

Pröhle, Vilmos (Fülek, CS; 1871-1946)

Professor at the University of Kolozsvár until 1919; member of the

National Assembly; a founder of EKSz and EME.

Prónay, Pál, Baron (Romhány, H; 1875-1944 or 1945)

Landowner; commander of an officers' detachment, 1919-20; member of

EKSz, EME, and MOVE.

Ráday, Gedeon, Count (Budapest, H; 1872-1937)

Landowner; member of the Vienna ABC; member of the National Assem-

bly; minister of interior 1921.

Raffay, Sándor (Cegléd, H; 1866-1947

Lutheran bishop, 1918-47.

Rákosi, Jenö (Acsád, H; 1842-1929)

Editor of Budapesti Hirlap.

Rakovszky, István (Vienna, A; 1858-1931)

Landowner; legitimist politician; president of the National Assembly.

Ravasz, László (Bánffyhunyad, R; 1882-?)

Bishop of the Reformed Church from 1921.

Rubinek, Gyula (Ohaj, CS; 1865-1922)

President of OMGE; minister of agriculture, 1919-20.

Somssich, József. Count (Graz, A; 1864 1941)

Landowner; minister of foreign affairs, 1919-20.

Soós, Károly (Nagyszeben, R; 1869-1953)

General; chief of staff of the National Army, 1919; minister of defense, 1920;

member of EKSz.

Sréter, István (Cserhátsurány, H; 1867-1942)

General; minister of defense, 1920; member of the National Assembly;

member of EKSz.

Szabó, István (Nagyatádi) (Erdöcsokonya, H; 1863-1924)

Leader of the Smallholders Party; minister of economy, 1919; minister of

agriculture, 1919, 1922-24; minister of food supplies, 1920-21.

Szabó, István (Sokorópátkai) (Sokorópátka, H; 1878 -1938)

A leader of the Smallholders Party; minister of Smallholders affairs,


Szálasi, Ferenc (Kassa, CS; 1897-1946)

Officer; leader of the Arrow Cross Party; dictator of Hungary, 1944-45.

Executed for war crimes, 1946.

Szamuely, Tibor (Nyiregyháza, H; 1890-1919)

Deputy commissar of defense during the Hungarian Soviet Republic, 1919;

president of the Court of Summary Justice; shot while trying to escape to

Austria, 1919.

Szapáry, László, Count (Perkáta, H; 1864-1939)

Wealthy landowner in west Hungary; Hungarian minister to London,


Szász, Zoltán (Kolozsvár, R; 1877-1944)

Journalist for Az Újság and Pesti Napló

Széchenyi, István, Count (Vienna, 1791-1860)

Leading moderate reformer of the pre-1848 period.

Szmrecsányi, György (Felsökubin, CS; 1876-1932)

Legitimist politician; member of the Viennese ABC; a founder of KNEP;

vice-president of the National Assembly; president of EME.

Szörtsey, József (Szörtcse, R; 1888-?)

A leading revisionist; president of Attila Szövetség; co-president of the

Hungarian Revisionist League; president of TESz; member of MOVE.

Tánczos, Gábor (Budapest, H; 1872-1953)

General; minister of foreign affairs, 1919.

Teleki, Pál, Count (Budapest, H; 879-1941)

Transylvanian magnate; geographer; a leader of the Viennese ABC; prime

minister of Hungary, 1920-21, 1939-41; president of TEVEL and other

revisionist organizations.

Tisza, István, Count (Geszt, H; 1861-1918)

Prime minister of Hungary, 1903-1905; 1913-17.

Tisza, Kálmán (Geszt, H; 1830-1902)

Prime minister of Hungary, 1875-1890.

Tkalecz, Vilmos

Slovene nationalist leader of the Mura Republic, 1919.

Toókos, Gyula

Cavalry captain; attached to the high command of the National Army,

1919; a leader of EKSz.

Troubridge, Sir Ernest (1862-1926)

Admiral (GB); president of the International Danube Commission,


Ugron, Gábor (Marosvásárhely, R; 1880-1960)

Minister of interior, 1917-18; founder of the Székely National Council;

president of the National Bourgeois Democratic Party.

Ulain, Ferenc (Nagyszeben, R; 1881-?)

Editor of the radical nationalist paper, Szózat; member of the National

Assembly; co-founder of the Race Protector Party.

Ullmann, Adolf, Baron (Pest, 1857-1925)

Member of the Viennese ABC; president of the Hungarian General Credit

Bank .

Urmánczy, Nándor (Maroshéviz, R; 1868-1940)

Transylvanian landowner; member of prewar parliament; a leader of some

revisionist organizations.

Varjassy, Lajos

Mayor of Arad; liberal member of the counterrevolutionary governments of

Arad and Szeged; minister of commerce, 1919.

Vetter, Antal

Captain; aide-de-camp to Horthy; one of the Twelve Captains.

Vix, Fernand

Lt. colonel (F); head of the Allied Military Mission to Hungary, 1918-19.

Wild, József (Budapest, 1881-?)

Member of the Viennese ABC; member of the National Assembly.

Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924)

President of the United States, 1913-21.

Windischgrätz, Lajos, Prince (Cracow, P; 1882-1967)

Landowner; minister of food supplies, 1918; member of the National Assem-

bly; member of EKSz and other secret organizations.

Wolff, Károly (Érsekújvár, CS; 1874-1936)

Member of the National Assembly; leader of the United Christian National

League; a leader of EME and TESz.

Zadravecz, István (Csáktornya, Y; 1884-1965)

Bishop of the army; a leading revisionist; a leader of EKSz and other secret


Zichy, Aladár, Count (Nagyláng, CS; 1864-1937)

Magnate; leader of the prewar Catholic People's Party; member of the

Viennese ABC; active in the Szeged counterrevolution.

Zichy, Géza, Count (1882-?)

Member of the Viennese ABC; deputy high commissioner of Transdanubia,


Zichy, János, Count (Nagyláng, CS; 1868-1944)

Magnate, minister of religion and education, 1918; member of the Viennese

ABC; member of the National Assembly.


Distributed by Columbia University Press (except No. 5)

Editor-in-Chief: Béla K. Király

No. I

Tolerance and Movements of Religious Dissent in Eastern Europe.

Edited by B. K. Király, 1975. Second Printing, 1977.

No. 2

The Habsburg Empire in World War I. Edited by R. A. Kann, B. K.

Király, P. S. Fichtner, 1976. Second Printing, 1978.

NO. 3

The Mutual Effects of the Islamic and Judeo-Christian Worlds: The East

European Pattern. Edited by A. Ascher, T. Halasi-Kun, B. K. Király,


No. 4

Before Watergate: Problems of Corruption in American Society. Edited

by A. S. Eisenstadt, A. Hoogenboom. H. L. Trefousse, 1978.

No. 5

East Central European Perceptions of Early America. Edited by B. K.

Király and G. Barany. Lisse, The Netherlands: Peter de Ridder Press,

1977. Distributed by Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands. N.J.

No. 6

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 in Retrospect. Edited by B. K.

Király and P. Jónás, 1978. Second Printing, 1980.

No. 7

Brooklyn U.S.A.: Fourth Largest City in America. Edited by R. S.

Miller, 1979.

No. 8

János Decsy. Prime Minister Gyula Andrássy's Influence on Habs-

burg Foreign Policy during the Franco-German War of 1870-1871,


No. 9

Robert F. Horowitz. The Great Impeacher: A Political Biography of

James M. Ashley, 1979.

Nos. 10-19

Subseries: War and Society in East Central Europe (see also Nos.


No. I 0--Vol. I

Special Topics and Generalizations on the Eighteenth and Nineteenth

Centuries. Edited by B. K. Király and G. E. Rothenberg. 1979.

No . 11--Vol . II

East Central European Society and War in the Pre-Revolutionary Eight-

eenth Century. Edited by G. E. Rothenberg. B. K. Király, and

P. Sugar, 1982.

No. 12--Vol. III

From Hunyadi to Rákóczi: War and Society in Late Medieval and

Early Modern Hungary. Edited by J. M. Bak and B. K. Király, 1982.

No. 13--Vol. IV

East Central European Society and War in the Era of Revolutions,

1775-1856, edited by B. K. Király, forthcoming.

No. 14--Vol. V

Essays on World War I: Origins and Prisoners of War. Edited by

S. R. Williamson, Jr., and P. Pastor, 1982.

NO. 15--Vol. VI

Essays on World War I: Total War and Peacemaking, A Case Study on

Trianon, Edited by B. K. Király, P. Pastor. and I. Sanders, 1983.

No. 16--Vol. VII

Thomas M. Barker. Army, Aristocracy, Monarchy: Essays on War

Society, and Government in Austria, 1618-1780, 1982.

No. 17--Vol. VIII

The First Serbian Uprising, 1804-1813. Edited by Wayne S. Vucinich,


No. 18--Vol. IX

Kálmán Janics. Czechoslovak Policy and the Hungarian Minority,

1945-1948, 1982.

No. 19--Vol. X

At the Brink of War and Peace: The Tito-Stalin Split in Historic Perspec-

tive. Edited by Wayne S. Vucinich, 1983.

* * *

No. 20

Inflation Through the Ages: Economic, Social, Psychological, and

Historical Aspects. Edited by N. Schmukler and E. Marcus. 1983.

No. 21

Germany and America: Essays on Problems of International Relations

and Immigration. Edited by H. L. Trefousse, 1980.

No. 22

Murray M. Horowitz. Brooklyn College. The First Half Century, 1982.

No. 23

Jason Berger. A New Deal for the World: Eleanor Roosevelt and

American Foreign Policy, 1981.

No. 24

The Legacy of Jewish Migration.: 1881 and Its Impact. Edited by

D. Berger, 1983.

No. 25

Pierre Oberling. The Road to Bellapais: Cypriot Exodus to Northern

Cyprus, 1982.

No. 26

New Hungarian Peasants: An East Central European Experiment with

Collectivization. Edited by Marida Hollós and Béla Maday, 1983.

No. 27

Germans in America: Aspects of German-American Relations in the 19th

Century. Edited by E. Allen McCormick, 1983.

No. 28

Linda and Marsha Frey. A Question of Empire: Leopold I and the War

of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1705, 1983.

No. 29

Szczepan K. Zimmer. The Beginning of Cyrillic Printing--Cracow,

1491. From the Orthodox Past in Poland. Edited by Ludwik Krzyza-

nowski and Irene Nagurski, 1983.

* * *

Nos. 30- 40

Subseries: War and Society in East Central Europe (continued; see

also Nos. 10-19)

No. 30--Vol. XI

The First War Between Socialist Slates: The Hungarian Revolution of

1956 and Its Impact. Edited by Béla K. Király, Barbara Lotze,

and Nándor Dreisziger, 1983.

No. 31--Vol. XII

István I. Mócsy. The Effects of World War I: The Uprooted: Hun-

garian Refugees and Their Impact on Hungarian Domestic Politics:

l918-1921, 1983.

No. 32--Vol. XVl

The Effects of World War I: The Class War after the Great War: The Rise

of Communist Parties in East Central Europe, 1918-1921. Edited by Ivo

Banac, 1983.

No. 33--Vol. XIV

The Crucial Decade: East Central European Society and National De-

fense: 1859-1870. Edited by Béla K. Király, 1984.

No. 34--Vol. XV

The Political Dimensions of War in Romanian History. Edited by Ilie

Ceausescu, 1983.

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