Stephen Borsody: The Hungarians: A Divided Nation |
Thomas Szendrey
1. Bibliographies
Bako, Elemer. A Guide to Hungarian Studies. 2 vols. Stanford, 1973.
Bako, Elemer, and William Solyom-Fekete. Hungarians in Rumania and Transylvania: A Bibliographical List of Publications in Hungarian and West European Languages Compiled from the Holdings of the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C., 1969.
Bentley, G. Carter. Ethnicity and Nationality: A Bibliographic Guide. Seattle, 1981.
Carlton, Robert G., and Paul L. Horecky. The U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe: Periodicals in Western Languages. Washington, D.C., 1964.
Deutsch, Karl W., and Richard L. Merritt. Nationalism: An Interdis ciplinary Bibliography, 1933-1965. Cambridge, Mass., 1966.
Hammond, Thomas. Soviet Foreign Relations and World Communism: A Selected Annotated Bibliography of 7,000 Books in 30 Lan guages. Princeton, 1965.
Horak, Stephen M. East European National Minorities, 1919-1980: A Handbook. Littleton, Colo., 1985.
--------. Russia, the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe: A Bibliographic Guide to English Language Publications, 196s1974. Littleton, Colo., 1978.
--------. Russia, the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe: A Bibliographic Guide to English Language Publicanons, 1975-1980. Littleton, Colo., 1982.
Selected Bibliography 383
Horecky, Paul L. East Central Europe: A Guide to Basic Publications. Chicago, 1969.
Society of the Hungarian Quarterly. A Companion to Hungarian Studies. Budapest, 1943.
Spath, Manfred, and Werner Philipp. Bibliography of Articles on East European and Russian History Selected from English Language Periodicals. Berlin, 1981.
Walker, Gregory. Official Publications of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe 1945-1980: A Select Annotated Bibliography. London, 1982.
Andrassy, Gyula. Diplomacy and the War. London, 1921.
Bandholtz, Harry. An Undiplomatic Diary. New York, 1933.
Benes, Edvard. Memoirs of Dr. Edvard Benes. London, 1954.
------. My War Memoirs. London, 1928.
Bonsal, Stephen. Suitors and Suppliants: The Little Nations at Ver sailles. New York, 1946.
Churchill, Winston S. The Second World War. 6 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1949.
Clemenceau, Georges. Grandeur and Misery of Victory. New York, 1930.
Gafencu, Grigore. Last Days of Europe. New Haven, 1948.
Horthy, Nicholas. Memoirs. New York, 1957.
House, Edward Mandell, and Charles Seymour, eds. What Really Happened at Paris: The Story of the Peace Conference, 1918-1919. New York, 1921.
Kallay, Nicholas. Hungarian Premier: A Personal Account of a Nation's Struggle in the Second World War. London, 1954.
Karolyi, Mihaly. Faith without Illusion: Memoirs of Mihuly Kdrolyi. London, 1956.
-----. Fighting the World: The Struggle for Peace. New York, 1925.
Lansing, Robert. The Peace Negotiations: A Personal Narrative. Boston, 1921.
Lloyd-George, David. Memoirs of the Peace Conference. 2 vols. New Haven, 1939.
-----. The Truth about the Peace Treaties. 3 vols. London, 1938.
Masaryk, Thomas. The Making of a Stute. New York, 1927
Nagy, Ferenc. The Struggle behind the Iron Curtain. New York, 1948.
Nagy, Imre. On Communism. New York, 1957.
Nicolson, Harold. Peacemaking 1919. London, 1933.
Rothermere, Harold. My Campaign for Hungary. London, 1932.
Schopflin, Gyula (Julian). Szelkialto: Emlekezesek. Paris, 1983.
Tardieu, Andre. La Paix. Paris, 1921.
Armstrong, John A. Nations before Nationalism. Chapel Hill, 1982.
Balogh, Eva S. "Nationality Problems of the Hungarian Soviet Republic." In Hungary in Revolution, 1918-1919, edited by Ivan Vol gyes. Lincoln, 1971.
Banac, Ivo, et al., ed. Nation and Ideology: Essays in Honor of Wayne S. Vucinich. New York, 1981.
Bartlett, E. A. The Tragedy of Central Europe. London, 1923.
Besemeres, John F. Socialist Population and Politics. The Political Implications of Demographic Trends in the USSR and Eastern Eu rope. White Plains, 1980.
Bethlen, Stephen. The Treaty of Trianon and European Peace. Lon don, 1934.
Borsody, Stephen. "Hungary in the Habsburg Monarchy." In Society in Change, edited by S. B. and A. H. Vardy. New York, 1983.
------. "Hungary's Road to Trianon." In Essays on World War I, edited by Bela K. Kiraly, et al. New York, 1982.
------. The Tragedy of Central Europe: Nazi and Soviet Conquest and Aftermath. Rev. ed. New Haven, 1980.
Brunner, George, and Boris Meissner, eds. Nationalitaten-Probleme in der SowjetUnion und Osteuropa. Cologne, 1982.
Brzezinski, Zbigniew. The Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass., 1976.
Buergenthal, Thomas, ed. Human Rights, International Law and the Helsinki Accord. Montclair, N.J., 1977.
Burks, R. v The Dynamics of Communism in Eastern Europe. Princeton, 1961
Campbell, John C. American Policy toward Communist Eastern Eu rope: The Choices Ahead. Minneapolis, 1965.
Capotorti, Francesco. Study on the Rights of Persons Belonging to Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities. New York, 1979.
Selected Bibliography 385
Carr, E. H. Nationalism and After. London, 1945. Connor, Walker. The National Question in Marxist-Leninist Theory and Strategy. Princeton, 1984.
Crane, John O. The Little Entente. New York, 1931.
Csatari, Daniel. Dans la tourmente. Budapest, 1974.
David, Zoltan. "A magyar nemzetisegi statisztika multja es jelene." Valosag 23, no. 8 (1980): 87-101.
Deak, Francis. Hungary at the Paris Peace Conference. New York, 1942
Deak, Francis, and Dezso Ujvary, eds. Papers and Documents Re lating to the Foreign Relations of Hungary. 2 vols. Budapest, 1939 - 46.
Deak, Istvan. The Lawful Revolution: Louis Kossuth and the Hun garians. New York, 1979.
-----. "Hungary," in H. Rogger and E. Weber, The European Right. London, 1965.
Dvornik, Francis. The Making of Central and Eastern Europe. London, 1949
Eros, J. "Hungary," in S. J. Woolf, ed., European Fascism. London, 1968.
Fejto, Francois. Behind the Rape of Hungary. New York, 1957.
-----. A History of the People's Democracies. Harmonsworth, 1974.
Gati, Charles. Hungary and the Soviet Bloc. Durham, 1986.
-----, ed. The International Politics of Eastern Europe. New York, 1976.
Gower, Robert. The Hungarian Minorities in the Succession States. London, 1937.
Halecki, Oscar. Borderlends of Western Civilization. New York, 1952.
Hanak, Harry. Great Britain and Austria-Hungary during the First World War. London, 1962.
Hartl, Hans. Nahionalitatenprobleme im heutigen Sudosteuropa. Munich, 1973.
Hill, Norman. Claitns to Territory in International Law and Relations. New York, 1945.
Hungary. Kulugyminiszterium. The Hungarian Peace Negotiations. 3 vols. Budapest, 1920-21.
Janowsky, Oscar. Nationalities and National Minorities. New York, 1945.
Jaszi, Oscar. The Dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy. Chicago, 1929.
-----. Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Hungary. London, 1924.
-----. Magyar kalvaria, magyar feltamadas. Vienna, 1920. New ed. Munich, 1969.
-----. A Monarchia jovoje. A dualizmus bukasa es a Dunai Egyesult Allamok. Budapest, 1918.
-----. A nemzeti allamok kialakulasa es a nemzetisegi kerdes. Budapest, 1912.
Juhasz, Gyula. Magyarorszag kulpolitikaja, 1919-1945. 2d ed. Budapest, 1975.
Kann, Robert. The Multinational Empire: Nationalism and National Reform in the Habsburg Monarchy 1848-1918. New York, 1950.
Kende, Pierre. Normalization Processes in Soviet-dominated Central Europe: Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland. Cologne, 1982.
-----, and K. Pomian, eds. 1956: Varsovie-Budapest: la deuxieme revolution d'Octobre. Paris, 1978.
-----, and Z. Strsniska, eds. Egalite et inegalites en Europe de 'Est. Paris, 1984.
Kertesz, Stephen D., ed. The Last European Peace Conference, 1946 [Documents supplementing the volume below]. Lanham, 1985.
-----. Between Russia and the West: Hungary and the Illusions of Peacemaking, 1945-1947. Notre Dame, 1984.
-----. Diplomacy in a Whirlpool: Hungary between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Notre Dame, 1953.
King, Robert. Nationalities under Communism. Cambridge, Mass., 1973.
Kiraly, Bela K., and Paul Jonas, eds. The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 in Retrospect. New York, 1978.
Kiraly, Bela K. et al., eds. Essays on World War I: Total War and Peacemaking, A Case Study on Trianon. New York, 1982.
Klein, George, and Milan J. Reban, eds. The Politics of Ethnicity in Eastern Europe. New York, 1981.
Kolarz, Walter. Myths and Realiiies in Eastern Europe. London, 1946.
Komjathy, Anthony. The Crises of France's East Central European Diplomacy, 1933-1938. New York, 1976.
Konrad, George (Gyorgy). Antipolitics translated by Richard E. Al len. New York, 1984.
Selected Bibliography 387
Kovrig, Bennett. Communism in Hungary: From Kun to Kadar. Stan ford, 1979.
-----. The Myth of Liberation: East Central Europe in U.S. Diplo macy and Politics since 1941. Baltimore, 1973.
Krejci, Jaroslav, and Vitezslav Velimsky. Ethnic and Political Nations in Europe. New York, 1981.
Lauterpacht, H. International Law and Human Rights. New York, 1950.
Lendvai, Paul. Eagles in Cobwebs: Nationalism and Communism in the Balkans. Garden City, N.Y., 1969.
Low, Alfred. Lenin on the Question of Nationality. New York, 1958.
-----. The Soviet Hungarian Republic and the Paris Peace Confer ence. Philadelphia, 1963.
Luard, Evan, ed. The International Protection of Human Rights. Lon don, 1967.
Lukacs, John. The Great Powers and Eastern Europe. New York, 1953.
Macartney, C. A. Hungary: A Short History. Edinburgh, 1962.
-----. Hungary and her Successors. London, 1937.
-----. National States and National Minorities. London, 1934.
-----. October Fifteenth: A History of Modern Hungary, 1929-1945. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1961.
Macartney, C. A., and A. W. Palmer. Independent Eastern Europe. London, 1962.
Machray, Robert. The Little Entente. London, 1929.
Mair, L. P. The Protection of Minorities. The Working and Scope of the Minorities Treaties under the League of Nations. London, 1928.
Mamatey, Victor. The United States and East Central Europe, 1914 1918. Pnnceton, 1957.
Mastny, Vojtech. Russia's Road to the Cold War: Diplomacy, Warfare, and the Politics of Communism, 194145. New York, 1979.
Mayer, Arno J. Politics and Diplomacy of Peacemaking: Containment and Counterrevolution at Versailles, 1918-1919. New York, 1967.
Meray, Tibor. Nagy Imre e'lete es halala. Munich, 1978.
Mitrany, David. Marx against the Peasant. London, 1951.
Molony, William. Nationality and the Peace Treaties. New York, 1934.
Nagy, Zsuzsa L. A parizsi be'kekonferencia es Magyarorszag. Buda pest, 1965.
-----. The United States and the Danubian Basin. Budapest, 1975.
Niederhauser, Emil. The Rise of Nationality in Eastern Europe. Budapest, 1982.
Pearson, Raymond. National Minorities in Eastern Europe, 1848 1944. New York, 1983.
Petroff, Thomas. Les minorites nationales en Europe centrale et ori entale. Paris, 1935.
Rothschild, Joseph. Ethnopolitics: A Conceptual Framework. New York, 1981.
Saucerman, Sophia. International Transfers of Territory in Europe. Washington, D.C., 1937
Schechtman, Joseph. Postwar Population Transfers in Europe, 1945 1955. Philadelphia, 1962.
Schopflin, George. "Opposition and Para-Opposition: Critical Cur rents in Hungary, 1968-78," in Opposition in Eastern Europe, ed ited by Rudolf L. Tokes. Baltimore, 1979.
-----, ed. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: A Handbook. London, 1970.
-----. "National Minorities under Communism in Eastern Europe." In Eastern Europe in Transition, edited by Kurt London. Balti more, 1966.
Seton-Watson, Hugh. The East European Revolution. New York, 1951.
-----. Eastern Europe between the Wars, 191S1941. New York, 1962.
-----. Nationalism and Communism: Essays 194S1963. New York, 1964.
-----. Nations and States: An Inquiry into the Origins of Nations and the Politics of Nationalism. London, 1977.
Seton-Watson, Hugh and Christopher. The Making of a New Europe:
R. W Seton-Watson and the Last Years of Austria-Hungary. Seattle, 1981.
Shoup, Paul S. The East European and Soviet Data Handbook: Po litical, Social, and Developmental Indicators, 1945-1975. New York, 1981.
Skilling, H. Gordon. Communism National and International: Eastern Europe after Stalin. Toronto, 1964.
Stalin, Joseph. Marxism and the National and Colonial Question. New York, 1942.
Stone, Julius. International Guarantees of Minority Rights: Procedures
Selected Bibliography 389
of the Council of the League of Nations in Theory and Practice. London, 1932.
Sugar, Peter F., ed. Native Fascism in the Successor States, 1918-1945. Santa Barbara, 1971.
Sugar, Peter, and Ivo Lederer. Nationalism in Eastern Europe. Seattle, 1969
Szabo, Imre. Cultural Rights. Translated by Gabor Pulay and Ged eon Dienes. Leiden, 1974.
Szekfu, Jules. Etat et nation. Paris, 1945.
Teleki, Paul. The Evolution of Hungary and its Place in European History. New York, 1923.
Temperley, H. Ut A History of the Peace Conference of Paris. 6 vols. London, 1920-24.
Terry, Sarah M., ed. Soviet Policy in Eastern Europe. New Haven, 1984.
Vali, Ferenc. Rift and Revolt in Hungary: Nationalism vs. Commu nism. Cambridge, Mass., 1961
Vardy, Steven B. Modern Hungarian Historiography. New York, 1976.
-----, and Agnes H. Vardy, eds. Society in Change: Studies in Honor of Be'la K Kiraly. New York, 1983.
Varsanyi, Julius. Border Is Fate. Adelaide-Sydney, 1982.
Wirsing, Robert NU Protection of Ethnic Minorities: Comparative Per spectives. New York, 1981.
Zeman, Z. A. B. The Breakup of the Habsburg Empire 1914-1918. London, 1961.
Zinner, Paul E. Revolution in Hungary. New York, 1962.
-----. National Communism and Popular Revolt in Eastern Europe. New York, 1956.
Ajtay, Jozsef. The Transylvanian Question. London, 1921.
Braham, Randolph L. Education in Romania: A Decade of Change. Washington, D.C., 1972.
Cabot, John Moore. The Racial Confict in Transylvania. Boston, 1926.
Cadzow, John, Andrew Ludanyi, and Louis J. Elteto, eds. Transyl vania: The Roots of Ethnic Conflict. Kent, Ohio, 1983.
Daicoviciu, Constantin, et al., eds. Rumania. Bucharest, 1959.
Deer, Jozsef, and Laszlo Galdi, eds. Mugyarok es romanok. 2 vols. Budapest, 1943-1944.
Dragomir, Sylvius. The Ethnical Minorities in Transylvania. Geneva, 1927.
Fischer-Galati, Stephen, ed. Romania. New York, 1956.
Giurescu, Constantin. Transylvania in the History of Romania. London, 1970.
Hitchins, Keith. The Romanian National Movement in Transylvania, 1790-1849. Cambridge, Mass., 1969.
Horvath, Eugene. Transylvania and the History of the Roumanians. Budapest, 1935.
Illyes, Elemer. National Minorities in Romania: Change in Transyl vania. New York, 1982.
Ionesco, Ghita. Communism in Rumania 1944-1962. London, 1964.
Makkai, Ladislas. Histoire du Transylvanie. Paris, 1946.
Markham, Reuben H. Romania under the Soviet Yoke. Boston, 1949.
Mitrany, David. Greater Rumania: A Study in Nahonal Ideals. London, 1917.
Nelson, Daniel N. Romania in the 1980's. Boulder, Colo., 1981.
Oldson, William. The Historical and Nationalist Thought of Nicolae lorga. New York, 1973.
Rura, Michael J. Reinterpretahon of History as a Method of Furthering Communism in Rumania. Washington, D.C., 1961.
Schopflin, George. The Hungarians of Rumania. London, 1978. *
Seton-Watson, R. W. A History of the Roumanians. Cambridge, 1934.
-----. Roumania and the Great War. London, 1915.
-----. Transylvania: A Key Problem. Oxford, 1943.
-----. Treaty Revision and the Hungarian Frontiers. London, 1934.
Spector, Sherman. Rumania at the Paris Peace Conference. New York, 1962.
Szasz, Zsombor. The Minorites in Roumanian Transylvania. London, 1927.
Vali, Ferenc A. "Transylvania and the Hungarian Minority." Journal of International Affairs 20, no. 1 (1966): 32-44.
Borsody, Istvan (Stephen). Magyar-szlovak kiegyezes. Budapest, 1945.
Selected Bibliography 391
-----, ed. Magyarok Csehszlovakiaban, 1918-1938. Budapest, 1938.
Chaszar, Edward. Decision in Vienna: The Czechoslovak-Hungarian Border Dispute of 1938. Astor Park, Fla., 1978.
Clementis, V. La question des hongrois de Tchecoslovaquie. Paris, 1946.
Friedman, Otto. The Breakup of Czech Democracy. London, 1950.
Hoensch, J. K. Der ungarische Revisionismus und die Zerschlagung der Tschechoslowakei. Tubingen, 1967.
Janics, Kalman. Czechoslovak Policy and the Hungarian Minority, 1945-1948. English version adapted from Hungarian by Stephen Borsody. New York, 1982.
Jelinek, Yeshayahu. The Parish Republic: Hlinka's Slovak People's Party, 193W1945. New York, 1976.
Kirschbaum, J. M. Slovakia, Nation at the Crossroads of Central Europe. New York, 1966.
Kovago, Jozsef, ed. The Cities of the Hungarian Linguistic Territory in Slovakia. Budapest, 1946.
Masaryk, Tomas Garrigue. Ceska otazka. Prague, 1894.
-----. Nova Evropa. Prague, 1920
Mastny, Vojtech. Czechoslovakia: Crisis in World Communism. New York, 1972
Mikus, Joseph A. Slovakia and the Slovaks. Washington, D.C., 1977.
Odlozilik, Ottokar. Masaryk's Idea of Democracy. New York, 1952.
Perman, D. The Shaping of the Czechoslovak State. Leiden, 1962.
Rechcigl, Miloslav, Jr., ed. Czechoslovakia: Past and Present. 2 vols. The Hague, 1968.
Revay, Istvan. "Die Magyaren in der Tschechoslowakei." In Hand buch der Europaischen Volskgruppen, edited by M. Straka. Vi enna, 1970.
Seton-Watson, R. w A History of the Czechs and Slovaks. London, 1943.
-----. Masaryk in England. London, 1943.
-----. Slovakia Then and Now: A Political Survey. London, 1931.
Szporluk, Roman. The Political Thought of Thomas G. Masaryk. New York, 1981
Zsolnay, V. von. "Die Lage der Madjaren in der Slowakei." Zeitschrift fur Ostforschung 16 (1967): 326-41.
Banac, Ivo. The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics. Ithaca, 1984
Bertsch, Gary K. Nation-Building in Yugoslavia: A Study of Political Integration and Attitudinal Consensus. Beverly Hills, 1971.
Campbell, John C. Tito's Separate Road: America and Yugoslavia in World Politics. New York, 1967.
Cohen, Leonard, and Paul Warwick. Political Cohesion in a Fragile Mosaic: The Yugoslav Experience. Boulder, Colo., 1983.
Djilas, Milovan. Parts of a Lifetime. New York, 1975.
-----. Tito: The Story from the Inside. New York, 1980.
Dragnich, Alex. The First Yugoslavia: Search for a Viable Political System. Stanford, 1983.
Fisher, Jack C. Yugoslavia-A Multi-National State: Regional Differ ence and Administrative Response. San Francisco, 1966.
Hoffman, George W., and Fred Warner Neal. Yugoslavia and the New Communism. New York, 1962.
Hondius, Frederik W. The Yugoslav Community of Nations. The Hague, 1968.
Lederer, Ivo J. Yugoslavia at the Paris Peace Conference: A Study in Frontiermaking. New Haven, 1963.
Mestrovic, Matthew, et al. Yugoslavia in Crisis: The Political and Eco nomic Dimensions. London, 1983.
Rehak, Laszlo. A kisebbsegek Jugoszlaviaban. Novi Sad, 1967.
-----. Kisebbsegtol a nemzetisegig. Novi Sad, 1978.
Shoup, Paul. Communism and the Yugoslav National Question. New York, 1968.
Stankovic, Slobodan. The End of the Tito Era: Yugoslavia's Dilem mas. Stanford, 1981.
Tihany, Leslie C. The Baranya Dispute: Diplomacy in the Vortex of Ideologies, 191S1921. New York, 1978.
Zaninovich, M. George. The Development of Socialist Yugoslavia in Integration and Community Building in Eastern Europe. Balti more, 1968
Selected Bibliography 393
Arsentyev, N. C, et al. A boldogsag fele. Uzhgorod, 1975.
Jaszi, Oscar. "The Problem of Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia." Czecho slovakia, edited by R. J. Kerner. Berkeley, 1949.
Magocsi, Paul. History of the Rusyns. Vienna, 1983.
-----. The Shaping of a National Identity: Subearpathian Rus', 1848 1948. Cambridge, Mass., 1978.
Nemec, Frantisek, and Vladimir Moudry. The Soviet Seizure of Sub carpathian Ruthenia. Toronto, 1955. Reprint, Westport, Conn., 1981.
Skultety, Csaba. "A karpataljai magyarsag szellemi elete." In Magyar Merleg, edited by Eva Saary, vol. 3, pp. 121-42. Zurich, 1983.
Varadi-Sternberg, Janos. Utak, talalkozasok, emberek. Uzhgorod, 1974.
Works of the contributors relevant to this volume's subject are listed under "Selected Bibliography," above.
EVA S. BALOGH is an associate of Brevis Press. She received her Ph.D. from Yale University where she taught history as an assistant professor and was dean of Morse College. She served as managing editor of the Yale Russian and East European Publications in 197880.
STEPHEN BORSODY is professor emeritus of history, Chatham College. His academic degrees in law, political science, and history are from Charles University in Prague and the University of Budapest. A native of Northern Hungary, which became part of Czechoslovakia after World War I, he was a Hungarian journalist and diplomat before becoming a college professor in the United States.
JOHN C. CAMPBELL, a senior fellow and director of political studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City (now retired), served a dozen years in the State Department in Washington and has written extensively on Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and American foreign policy. His Ph.D. is from Harvard University.
ZOLTAN DAVID, director of Archives at the Hungarian Bureau of Statistics in Budapest (retired), is author of studies on population movements in the Danube region and on Hungarian demography of the twentieth century. He received his doctorate in law at the University of Budapest.
Contributors 395
ISTVAN DEAK is a professor of history at Columbia University in New York City. He was a journalist and librarian in Budapest, Paris, and Munich. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University and served as director of the University's Institute on East Central Europe in 1967-78 and 1979-80. His book, The Lawful Revolution: Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians, 1848-1849, won The Lionel Trilling Book Award of Columbia College.
FRANCOIS FEJTO, a historian, writer, and journalist, is a former deputy editor-in-chief of Agence France Press in charge of Communist and East European affairs. Before moving to Paris in the 1930s, he was an editor of the Socialist daily Nepszava in Budapest. A lecturer at the Institute d'Etudes Politiques in Paris, he received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Paris at Nanterre. Several of his books have been translated into English.
LAJOS FUR is a Hungarian historian of the post-World War II era. An expert on agrarian history and nationality affairs, he lives in Budapest.
KALMAN JANICS, a physician and sociologist living in Slovakia, is among the few Hungarians of the older generation with a higher education who survived the postwar expulsion of national minorities from Czechoslovakia. He is the author of several studies on national minority problems.
PIERRE KENDE is a senior research fellow at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. He received his doctorate in sociology from the Sorbonne. Author of studies on Communist affairs, he is founder of Dialogues Europeens and an editor of its periodical, Magyar Fuzetek, promoting publication of East European dissident writers in the West. He left Hungary in 1956.
BENNETT KOVRIG is a professor of political science and chairman of the Department of Political Economy at the University of Toronto. After studies at the University of Toronto, he attended the London School of Economics and Political Science, and received his Ph.D. from the University of London. He is the author of several works on Central and Eastern Europe.
ANDREW LUDANYI, a professor of political science at Ohio Northern University, received his Ph.D. at Louisiana State University. A
396 Contributors
recent Fulbright and IREX scholar at the Gorky State Library in Budapest, he is currently engaged in studying the Communist national minority policies of Hungary.
VOJTECH MASTNY is a research professor of the Center for International Relations at Boston University and a visiting professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies in Washington. A graduate of Charles University in Prague and Oxford University in England, he received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Among other distinctions he has earned as a scholar, his dissertation, "The Czechs under Nazi Rule: The Failure of National Resistance," won the Clarke F. Ansley Award.
MAITHEW MESTROVIC is a professor of history at Fairleigh Dickinson University at Teaneck, New Jersey. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Author and lecturer, he is also active in Croatian public life abroad and is currently president of the Executive Committee of the Croatian National Congress.
ZSUZSA L. NAGY is a senior research fellow at the Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Science in Budapest. In addition to studies on peacemaking after World War I and on prewar Hungarian liberalism, she has written extensively on the liberal bourgeois opposition in Hungary between the two world wars.
LAJOS PALOVICS, a cartographer living in Budapest, has published several important maps on ethnographic and other issues of Hungary and of Central Europe.
GEORGE SCHOPFLIN teaches East European politics at the London School of Economics and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. He has written widely on a variety of East European topics, notably questions of ethnicity. His most recent book is on "Politics in Eastern Europe."
JULIAN SCHOPFLIN, a writer and translator, was program director of Hungarian Radio in Budapest, 1945-49. He entered diplomatic service as Hungary's envoy to Sweden, 1949-50. After settling in England as a political exile, he was lecturer at the North East Polytechnic in London.
THOMAS SZENDREY is a professor of history at Gannon University,
Contributors 397
Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. from St. John's University. His publications are in the field of European intellectual history and the philosophy of history.
IVAN K. SZUCS is the pseudonym of a young Hungarian historian living in Budapest who is specializing in the study of Hungarian minorities in the Danube region.
FERENC A. VALI (1905-1984) was professor of international relations at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He received his doctorate in law from the University of Budapest and his Ph.D. from the University of London. He entered Hungarian government service after World War II. Imprisoned on political charges in 1951, he was released at the time of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and immigrated to the United States in 1957. An expert on international and minority law, his writings covered a variety of issues.
Stephen Borsody: The Hungarians: A Divided Nation |