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Acta Historica (AH)

Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica (AUCPH)

Annuaire Polonais des Affairs Internationales (APAI)

Bohernia (B)

Casopis Vojenskeho Historickeho Ustavu (CVHU)

Ceskoslovensky Casopis Historicky (CCH)

Ceskoslovensky Prvehled (CP)

La Correspondance (C)


The Central European Observer (CEO)

Current History (CH)

Danubian Review (DR)

Dejiny a Soucasnost (DS)

Der Donauraum (D)

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Foreign Affairs (FA)

Foreign Relations (FR)

The Historian (H)

The Historical Journal (HJ)

Historicky Casopis (HC)

Historie Vojenstvi (HV)

The Hungarian Quarterly (HQ)

International Affairs (IA)

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Journal of Central European History (JCEH)

Journal of Modern History (JMH)

Katolikus Szemle (KSz)

Korunk (K)*

*Kulturbrief (KB)

Magysr Kisebbseg (MK)

Magyar Szemle (MSz)

Merkur (M)

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Narodni Osvobozeni (NO)

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Slavonic and East European Review (SEER)

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Studies for a New Central Europe (SNCE)

Survey of International Affairs (SIA)

Szazadok (Sz)

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Tortenelmi Szemle (TSz)

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Newspapers--Press Agencies


Budapesti Hirlap

Corriere di Roma

Ceska Vyzva

Ceske Slovo

Ceskoslovenska Tiskova Kancelar--CTK

Daily Mail

Daily Telegraph

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Gazeta Polska

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Neue Morgenpost

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Pesti Naplo

Popolo d'Italia

Pragai Magyar Hirlap

Prager Montagsblatt

Prager Presse

Prager Tagblatt


Slovenska Pravda


La Tribuna

Le Temps

The Times

Uj Magyarsag



Die Zeit

Die Zeit am Montag


After World War I the allied entente governments in their political narrow-mindedness decided to liquidate the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, a stabilizing force in Central Europe and, in the process, they dismembered the lands of the Holy Crown of Hungary. In the Treaty of Trianon they severely partitioned the millennial Hungarian Kingdom, destroyed the ideal geopolitical and cohesive economic unity of the Carpathian basin. With their action, they opened the road for foreign intrusions into the Central Danubian zone and its domination to the detriment of the population of the srea. _ _ l

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