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Friday, October 26, 1956


0330 The Council of Ministers calls upon the people of Budapest to remain at home, not to go into the streets, except for those in essential industries who must have their identity cards with them.
0447 The Council of Ministers and the Minister of the Interior announce that gradual restoration of order makes it possible for the people of Budapest to buy their most necessary goods between 0900 in the morning and 1400 hrs. in the after-noon.
0552 The Minister of Internal Trade and Food Industry calls on all workers in food and transport industries to do all in their power to keep their facilities available from 0900 in the morning to 1400 in the afternoon so that the people may buy their necessities. . . . [16/17]

0900 The Minister of the Initerior warns that all who have firearms will be shot at by mopping-up troops. No one is to go out into the street after 1400 [GMT]. Traffic across the bridges is prohibited at any time.


0010 "Comrade Imre Nagy declared furthermore that no disturbances or provocations have taken place in Miskolc or Borsod County. He requests the people of Miskolc and Borsod Counties to see that this does not happen in the future either...
"The Committee of the workers' council of Greater Miskolc and the Party Committee, independently of the answer made by Comrade Imre Nagy . . . just read, have, on the basis of the resolution of the working people ... decided to maintain the demands they have submitted as long as they are not fulfilled in their essence.
"Our proclamation issued to the workers in connection with these demands, and which bears the Kossuth arms, consists of five points, as follows: 1. We demand that the Soviet Army leave the country immediately; 2. A new Hungarian government; 3. The right of workers to strike; 4. Complete amnesty for Hungarians who have participated in the revolution; 5. As long as these [demands] are not fulfilled the people of Borsod County and Greater Miskolc respectively will strike, with the exception of railways, mining, health services, public supply, electric power supply, and the press...
"Young workers and students: conduct yourself in a disciplined manner. Do not offer any reason for any interference by the authorities. We are able to assert our demands without bloodshed. In the attainment of their ends you can furnish the people of Budapest the greatest aid if you carry on the strike in a disciplined manner and if you do not demonstrate unnecessarily. Do not commit any provocation or any sabotage, because the only thing we would achieve by that would be the weakening of our common forces.
"Assist us and do not give way to ill-considered enthusiasm and student romanticism. We are not cowards but we cannot be irresponsible either. We understand your anxieties on account of the events in Budapest, but we are anxious for you too. The country needs not heroic dead but honest working citizens.
"In the interest of insuring the withdrawal of Soviet troops we have sent a telegram to the Council of Ministers. Have confidence in us! We have been elected by the workers and not by the government!
The workers' council furthermore requests leaders of enterprises and plants to elect their representatives to these councils with the utmost urgency, without regard for Party affiliation and with due regard to the confidence of the working people.
"Signed: the leadership of the workers' council of Borsod County and Greater Miskolc. [17/18]


1200 "It is evident now that changes of colossal importance have taken place in Hungary.
"The most important result was that during the last days a new government was formed under Imre Nagy's leadership. Yet that great victory required many sacrifices, ravages and deaths, sufferings of mothers and children, as well as fuel and food shortages. The difficulties were increased by the fact that looters and striplings shooting aimlessly got mixed up with the university students, young workers, and those who fought for political aims. They have already caused much harm and today represent the most important obstacle to settlement. They hinder peaceful work... We are requesting you, who still have weapons in your hand and endanger the lives of innocent people: lay down your rifles and pistols and no harm will befall you.
"To you, demonstrators with honest intentions and to you, members of the Army: disarm the troublemakers! Disarm those endangering the achievements you have already made. The very urgent present tasks demand that from you -for your mothers, younger brothers and sisters. It is really high time to deliver them from the difficulties of the state of siege, from starvation."
1306 "Armed young people, we appeal to you who are still fighting. Precious Hungarian blood is flowing on the streets of Budapest. Avoid this senseless bloodshed! The new government will consistently satisfy your demands. Young patriots, enough bloodshed. We Hungarians are so few. Let there be no more shedding of patriot's blood. Lay down your arms and the People's government will not put you before a summary tribunal. Do not be afraid to surrender to the armed forces in charge of maintaining order. Young patriots, come, we are waiting for you. The government guarantees that no harm will be done to you. [Signed:] Headquarters of the Armed Forces in charge of maintaining order."
1545 "Declaration of the Hungarian Workers' [Communist] Party addressed to the Hungarian people:
"Since the two world wars our country has not experienced days as tragic as the past few days. A fratricidal battle is raging in the capital of our country. The number of injured can be estimated to run into the thousands and the dead into the hundreds. An immediate end must be put to the bloodshed. To insure this, the Central Committee is resorting to the following measures:
"1. The Central Committee of the Hungarian Workers' Party addresses a proposal to the presidium of the National Council of the Patriotic People's Front to put a recommendation [18/19]

before the Presidential Council of the People's Republic for the election of a new national government. This government shall have the mission of making good without fail the mistakes and crimes of the past and, relying on the entire nation, help to solve our people's every legitimate demand, and with our people's inexhaustible strength, create a free country of well-being, independence, and Socialist democracy. The Central Committee, led by Comrade Imre Nagy, is presenting recommendations regarding members of a government to be formed on the broadest national foundations.
"2. The new government shall begin negotiations with the Soviet government on the basis of independence, complete equality and noninterference in internal affairs to settle relations between our countries. As a first step toward this end, after the restoration of order, the Soviet troops will immediately return to their bases. Complete equality between Hungary and the Soviet Union corresponds with the interests of both countries, for only on that basis can a truly fraternal, unbreakable Hungarian-Soviet friendship be built. It is on that basis that relations between Poland and the Soviet Union are now being reshaped.
"3. The Central Committee deems correct the election of workers' councils in the factories through the intermediary of the trade union organs. To satisfy the legitimate material demands of the working class, wage increases must be implemented within the limits of our material possibilities; maximum efforts must be made in the first place for those in the lower-paid brackets.
"4. The government shall grant an amnesty to all those who have taken part in the armed battles, with the sole provision that they lay down their arms immediately, but by 2100 hrs [GMT] at the latest.
"5. The Central Committee and the government leave no room for doubt regarding their stand on the basis of Socialist democracy, but at the same time they are firmly resolved to defend the achievements of our People's Democracy, and not to give up any [essential part] of it. Their program is suitable as a unifled rallying point of every honest patriot. The Central Committee is not oblivious to the fact that our People's Democracy still has bitter and desperate enemies and appeals to Communists, Hungarian workers -and primarily the workers- the armed forces, former partisans, the firm protectors of the people's power, with the warning that those who take up arms against the State power of our People's Republic and fail to lay down arms within the fixed time limit, shall be annihilated without mercy.
"6. Immediately after order has been restored, we shall set about elaborating all the changes to be realized in our people's economy, farm policy, People's Front policy, our Party's leadership, and other activities, so that the principles of Socialist democracy may be fully enforced.
"Through consultation with all the people we shall build up and realize the great national program of a democratic, Socialist, independent and sovereign Hungary. Let the nation's unity and reconciliation replace the tragic era of murderous fratricide! Let the wounds heal which we have inflicted upon ourselves! If we want to live, we must begin a new life. It is up to us alone to achieve - after the horrible tribulations- internal peace, life without fear, productive work that results in prosperity and freedom, the rule of law and justice in our country, and a democratic Socialist Hungary, built on new foundations.
"[Signed] The Central Committee of the Hungarian Workers' Party, Budapest, October 26, 1956 [19/22]

1904 "In the spirit of appeasement, the government is extending its amnesty decree to all persons who surrender their arms before October 26, 2100 hrs...
2042 "Another 18 minutes and the time limit set by the Central Committee and the Presidential Council for the laymg down of arms will expire. Another 18 minutes and we shall put an end to the bloodshed in Budapest. We can end this fratricidal fight. The fight which the young have begun, we may safely claim, has triumphed. Further bloodshed would be senseless.
"An independent Hungary, the further development of democracy, the punishment of the guilty, and the formation of a government under Imre Nagy were the objectives for which young people marched in the street processions. Most young people took up arms for these objectives. These demands have been fulfilled, as is evident from the Central Committee's declaration published earlier.
"There may be some people who think that the amnesty declaration is a sign of weakness on the part of the government. No, this is out of the question. We are not in the habit of using threats and we do not approve of a policy of intimidation, but we must declare that those who do not yield to conciliatory words and for whom the amnesty decree is not enough will come up against the force concentrated in the hands of the government.
"Let the bloodshed come to an end! Let us cease this fight! This is our supreme endeavor. This is the interest of all of us. There are only 16 minutes to go. Lay down your arms!"
2050 "In the streets of Budapest the surrender of arms is in progress. Since a great many misled youths who wish to surrender their arms are unaware of the precise methods by which the arms should be surrendered, we announce the following for their information:
"After a white flag has been raised, arms and ammunition may be handed over to the nearest military unit or patrol. If there are no such units or patrols in the vicinity, the arms and ammunition should be deposited in doorways in the streets. Those who deposit arms may pass on without hindrance...

Saturday, October 27, 1956


0515 "Dear Listeners, here is an appeal from the Ministry of the Interior:
As a result of the amnesty granted by the government, the majority of the fighters laid down their arms last night and the mopping up of elements provoking armed fights in Budapest is continuing successfully. But some failed to realize the seriousness of the situation, even after the Party and government amnesty. Therefore, further military operations are necessary. In order to be able to free the people of Budapest from the hardship they may suffer in connection with the mopping up, we call upon the people of Budapest not to leave their dwellings until further notice. We also call upon tenants committees, self-defense committees, and janitors to help in the implementation of our appeal... [22/23]

0600 "Enough bloodshed! Enough ransacked streets! We would love to know whether our children, our relatives are still alive. We would love to be together again. . . . We would love to enjoy life again; we would like not to fear death any longer. . . . Life which will develop in Hungary after order has been restored will be more beautiful, more human, more Hungarian, than ever before.
The realization of these plans is guaranteed by the new government, which is national and democratic, and which is led by Imre Nagy. . . . Those who accept the new Hungarian democratic government will cease fighting immediately, but those who continue fighting, who still choose the means of bloodshed, do not want the democratic revival of the country, but support the return of the landlords, the bankers, of the Eszterhazys and of the Weiss Manfreds[7]...
0833 "We apologize to our dear listeners for the break in our transmission from 0827 to 0831 hours because of technical difficulties. We will now read an appeal:
"To all house committees: "The house committee and the house guard and all inhabitants of the house should prevent snipers from hiding in the houses and on the roofs for the mopping-up operations which are being carried on against them would endanger the lives of the inhabitants. In many places around houses, under doors or perhaps inside, weapons may have been left behind. House committees should report this immediately to the nearest Army or police station.
"Because of difficulties in transmitting news, rumors have been spreading. House committees, Communists, and all inhabitants of houses, should do all they can to suppress these rumors, and do everything to reassure the people and restore peace and order.
"Signed: Military Command."
0900 The news reports that resistance has been broken except for "certain isolated groups."
"The Council of Budapest has asked us to broadcast the following:
"Workers of the Budapest Public Works, workers in the food and in the retail industry. It is the fourth day that a bloody battle has raged in the streets of Budapest. The capital's supplies are sufficient. The public works employees have continued their work during the past days, in many cases at the risk of their lives, to assure water, gas and electricity to the population of the capital. The people of the capital feel a deep gratitude to those bakery workers who, by their heroism, have gone to their places of work, often amid the greatest danger to their lives, to bake the bread necessary for the public supply.
"The same refers to workers in the milk industry, the retail workers, and the trans-port workers. The retail food distributors have solved an almost impossible problem when, in the short time at their disposal, they managed to satisfy tlie essential demands of the people. In the name of the capital's population we thank all the workers ...
1100 "The strength of groups of wreckers active in Budapest has been broken. By 2100 [GMT] last night, large quantities of arms had been surrendered to Army formations. Many have thrown away their arms and ceased fighting. By this morning only three counterrevolutionary centers remained. Their liquidation is in progress. Those insurgents who laid down their arms by 2100 last night were allowed to go home without delay. The streets of Budapest are being cleared by Army troops in cooperation with units of the Soviet Army, and weapons which have been thrown away are being collected.
"Curfew will continue until order is completely restored. Civilians in Budapest and of several country towns have called our attention to the fact that armed groups in the capital and in the countryside are distributing leaflets which con tam declarations made in the name of the government and in the name of other organs, which are causing confusion. They give us permission to state that these leaflets are falsifications. The people should not believe the contents of any leaflet which is not in accordance with the spirit of Comrade Imre Nagy's statements and the resolutions of the Central Committee... [23/24]

1150 "The President of the Council of Ministers [Imre Nagy] has ordered creation of a governmental committee for food supply. This committee, the head of which will be Zoltan Vas, will function for a transitional period, and will guarantee the food supply of the population.
"Signed: Imre Nagy...
1406 "Appointed by the Presidential Council, I have today taken over the post of Minister of Defense. I expect every member of the Army to support me in my responsible and difficult task and to carry out my orders without fail. I herewith order: 1. Armed units to continue without respite to liquidate armed resistance nests and to restore order; 2. Units on alert to increase their vigilance and to prepare to execute their battle tasks; 3. Orders issued so far to remain in force.
"Signed: Lt. General Janza, Minister of Defense."
1537 "The Minister of the Interior has issued the following order: Budapest -Appointed by the Presidential Council, I have taken over the direction of the Ministry of the Interior today. I expect every employee of the various organs of the Ministry to do his work with the same exemplary devotion to duty as hitherto.
"Signed: Ferenc Munnich, Minister of the Interior."
1550 "The Government of the Polish People's Republic has sent great quantities of medicine to help the Hungarian people. Included in the consignment there is a great quantity of blood plasma, dextrose and bandages, as well as various other important pharmaceutical articles...
1610 "All Budapest telephone centers are in operation, although not at full capacity. No further damage has been [24/25] caused to the telephone cables or centers. As was announced by the Postmaster General, although there may be some technical breakdowns in some telephone centers, these will gradually be repaired.


1440 "For two days the city of Miskolc has been under the leadership of the workers' council and the students' parliament. The workers' council has taken over control of the garrison and the police. The demands of the workers' council and of the students have been made publicly known by radio and press -the twenty-one points of the workers' councils as well as the universities' eleven points. As you know, the county strike committee has also called on all plants in the county to strike, with the exception of mail, transport, communications, food supplies, health services and power plants."
1445 "The government still does not comply with our demands, and especially with our most important demand that Soviet troops be withdrawn at once. In yesterday's message the government said, 'Let order be restored and Soviet troops will withdraw to their bases.' The workers of Borsod County adhere to the stand they have taken and demand immediate withdrawal of Soviet troops. Soviet troops shall stop military operations at once and shall immediately begin withdrawing from our country. Only after this will there be order in the country. Only after this will Borsod County stop the strike. The entire working class of Borsod County sticks as faithfully to the primary demand as it did two days ago...
1453 "Dear Hungarian Premier [Nagy]. We inform you that yesterday the workers' council took power in Borsod County in every respect. The Army and police are under its control. Soviet troops are showing a neutral attitude and have not interfered in our affairs. The workers' council adopts as its own all your demands and stands for amnesty for all Hungarians who have participated in the revolution. Stalinist provocateurs who yesterday shot into the people have been reached by the just punishment of the people.
"Dear fighting Hungarian brothers. We are supporting your demands. We are fighting for the immediate withdrawal of Soviet troops. We have contacted the Russian command . . . about this matter so that they can discuss the matter with their superior command at Moscow and leave the country at once. In the meantime, the Soviet Army is showing a passive attitude...
"Signed: the Workers' Council of Borso(l County." [25/26]


2000 "In Budapest the strength of armed groups has been broken ...
2015 "The Ministry of Defense has issued the following communique:
"The town council of Baja called the Ministry of Defense this afternoon and asked for information about the following rumor: 'Misleading rumors have spread in Baja about Soviet troops being engaged in large-scale military operations in Budapest. Are these rumors true?
"The Minister of Defense informs the inquirers that this rumor is not true. The bulk of the armed groups was liquidated by this morning. Military action [is now] confined only to a few nests. It is true that Soviet troops helped, and are helping, greatly in liquidating groups which have attacked the workers' power. In many places, however, insurgents trapped in larger buildings asked if they might lay down their arms before the Hungarian People's Army units. This request has been fulfilled.
"As military activities subside, the formations of the Hungarian Army are gradually taking over everywhere the task of maintaining order. If those few [armed groups] still resisting do not lay down their arms after being summoned by Hungarian Army units to do so, they will be completely liquidated."
2218 "The Minister of the Interior informs the people that the curfew will remain in force tomorrow, October 28. However, the population will be given an opportunity to procure the most necessary foodstuffs. The ban on assembly will also be enforced during this time ...
1910 "We shall give a short evaluation of today's events. The just fight of the people is progressing with long strides toward complete victory. . . . Yesterday, we were alone in broadcasting until the evening . . . when the people of Magyarovar won the radio station and Radio Mosonmagyarovar joined us. Thus we had two powerful radio stations from which to broadcast for Radio Free Gyor . . . in the late afternoon we warmly welcomed the workers of the powerful Szombathely radio station who this afternoon joined us in transmitting our programs. We can therefore tell our listeners this evening that Radio Free Gyor is transmitting, so to speak, to almost the entire Dunantul [Western Hungary]: to Gyor, Komarom, Vas, and also Zala counties. We inform more than half the Dunantul about the situation and the achievements of the people's true fight. We can assume that in other Hungarian towns the situation today is similar. The people [26/27]

have taken the direction of our future fate in-to their own hands....
"We may surely say that there too [Budapest] the true battle of the nation will soon be won. Among the outstanding events of the day is the change in the behavior and the mood of Soviet troops all over the country. The Soviet soldiers who saw that here [in Gyor] it is a question of a just fight for freedom by the people, declared: 'Do not hurt us and we shall not hurt you. We shall be glad to be able to return home at last.'"


2245 "The Hungarian people have lost confidence in some men in Imre Nagy's government. Soviet troops should stop fighting as soon as possible and leave Hungary. The people of Budapest want to shake off the Rakosi spirit.
"Workers, students, and soldiers, band together against the bad memories of recent times. The Gero-Rakosi line completely lost the people's confidence and, seeing that they were no longer the masters of the situation, they called in Soviet troops. Blood has run in rivers and the bitterness of the people turned into a revolutionary rage. Should Russia again fling Hungarian liberty in the mud as it did in 1848?
"Hungarians, patriots, in the past few days something has been born which did not exist before. No, a thousand times no, say Miskolc, Pecs, Gyor and all Borsod County. Hungarians, freedom has not been lost. Today Imre Nagy has the people's confidence. But is this enough? Guns are still shooting in Budapest. Can it be our wish that Soviet troops should take the arms from our freedom fighters? Hungarians do not want this to happen. The new government should not lean on foreign arms. Rather it should lean on the people; there is no need for foreign weapons.
"Hungarians do not want to kill Hungarians. The people have spoken their judgment with arms. Soviet troops should be sent home and no more Hungarian blood shed in Budapest. Imre Nagy should have the courage to get rid of those politicians who can only lean on weapons used for suppression of the people. No more Hungarian blood should be shed in this country. Soviet troops should leave without delay. Freedom, order and independence for this country." [27/28]

Sunday, October 28, 1956


0400 Report from the Eighth District:
"A temporary national committee has been formed. It has started to organize a National Guard for maintaining order. Its members are being recruited from the Hungarian Army, the police, the workers, and the young workers. Workers' councils have been formed in the major plants of the district. They have already started work. The workers of the Kelenfoeld power station have done everything they can do to keep the capital supplied with electric current. They were unable to leave their place of work for three days and continued working in spite of the fact that they were without food."
Appeal by the chairman of the government Commission for Food Supplies, the Minister of Food Industry and the Minister of Produce Collection to all workers of the bakeries, the meat industry, and the dairies to go to their places of work this morning. Directions to employees of the Kozert [State food shops], the delicatessen shops, the tobacconists, the cooperative shops, and the restaurants to go to their places of work and start work immediately after free movement in the streets is allowed in the morning.
0620 "Budapest was quiet yesterday and last night, apart from the activity of a few armed groups. At the Moscow Square point of fighting the Army negotiators have concluded a cease-fire agreement with the rebels after several preliminary talks last night. Concerning the conditions of laying down arms, the rebels asked for time to consider until 0600 [GMT].
"In spite of the truce . . . the insurgents fired on Soviet patrols during the night. . . . Eight Soviet soldiers were wounded. In accordance with the truce agreement the Soviet soldiers did not return the fire."
1000 "Attention! Attention! A message to the resistants in the Kilian Barracks[8] and Corvin District [near the barracks]. This message is sent by two negotiators. We have transmitted your answer to the Commanders of the Soviet and Hungarian troops. They consider your conditions unacceptable. In their opinion the new Hungarian [28/29]

government, the list of which you read in the copy of Szabad Nep we left in your hands, represents the interests of the whole Hungarian people and will fulfill the most important demands that are contained by the 16 Points. This is also our conviction.
"Dear friends. You know us well, one of us was your physician, and we ask you with the good faith you always experienced on our part to believe us . . . and take our advice. . . . You will be granted full amnesty after laying down your weapons and you will then freely return to your homes.
"Dear friends. We request you to give a second thought to this appeal. Think of your families and of the civilians living in the houses across your line of resistance and listen to common sense.
"The deadline for the laying down of weapons will be transmitted by a loudspeaker atop a car. We request you to consider once more this appeal which was prompted by profound affection."
1003 Szabad Nep editorial:
"We do not agree with those who summarily dismiss the events of the past few days as a counterrevolutionary Fascist attempt at a coup d'etat. . . . We must realize that a great national democratic movement has developed in our country...
This movement expressed the workers' claim to become genuine masters of the factories. This movement expressed the human claim of the peasantry to be freed from constant uncertainty of existence and unwarranted vexations, and to be able to live their lives as individual or collectivized peasants as they wish.
"The struggle waged by Communist and non-Party intellectuals for the freedom of constructive work and the moral purity of our system has strengthened this movement. It was love of country which gave this people's movement its greatest strength and fervor and rendered it willing to face even death.
"The demand for the equality and independence of. the country is as all-embracing as the mother tongue we speak. It is an eternal shame that there were Communists in leading positions who did not understand the language of their own people...
"This passion which carries away a whole nation only once in a century -this passion carried away Budapest's university and working class youth during the demonstrations on October 23.... We must find out what factors and people are responsible for the fact that this mighty patriotic demonstration was soiled by blood and became the beginning of the most horrible fratricidal war.
"Let us examine a few facts which may be helpful in assessing the situation. On October 23, 150,000 to 200,000 Budapest youths, joined by a large number of older people, demonstrated for the fulfillment of just, democratic, and national demands. The demonstrators demanded among other things the revision of Soviet-Hungarian relations and their settlement on a basis of complete equality. Dissonant voices mixed with the demonstrators... These voices went beyond the limits of the struggle waged for Socialist democracy.
"People were looking forward with great expectations to Erno Gero's radio address Tuesday night. The address, however, was a grave disappointment because it proved that, first, a number of the leaders at that time were unable and unwilling to understand the essential character of the demonstration; second, they could not and did not want to draw the proper concrete conclusions from the demonstration. By that time the atmosphere in the street was tense to the breaking point. Armed fighting started in various places in the city....
"It is important to point out that demonstrators appeared before public buildings shouting such slogans as 'We want independence and freedom; we are not Fascists.' It is also true that looting, on a fairly small scale, was done only by those bad ..... elements who had wormed their way into the demonstrators' ranks... n many places the articles were left untouched behind the broken shop windows.
"All this shows that it cannot be said that after the outbreak of the armed conflict, counterrevolutionaries fought on one side and units loyal to the regime on the other. The truth is that among the fighting insurgents there were in the beginning a very large number of honest patriots, including Communists...
"The resolution which confirmed Erno Gero in his post of First Secretary poured oil on the fire, but Imre Nagy's statement, Erno Gero's dismissal, and the appointment of Janos Kadar as First Secretary, the declaration of the newly formed Central Committee and the inclusion of Zoltan Tildy, Bela Kovacs, Gyorgy Lukacs, and Antal Babits, met with the approval of a large part of the masses. . . . The armed conflict nonetheless continued, but on a lesser and subsiding scale, after Thursday afternoon. . . . One of the characteristics of the changed situation was the fact that the workers began to form workers' councils. They armed workers and militiamen who with the government forces took part in restoring order. We would, however, be distorting truth if we kept silent about the fact that bad elements also took part in the demonstration from the very beginning. These committed armed excesses, especially after the fighting started, and stood up against our People's Democracy. . . . One of the proofs is that ... a number of former Horthyite officers were captured.
...In order to avoid bloodshed on a larger scale, we appeal with sober and calm words . . . to those misled and intoxicated elements who are still fighting, to cut themselves off from the counter-revolutionaries and lay down their arms...
...This is the 12th hour for them to turn back from the road leading to counterrevolution. In Budapest the fighting is nearing its end. We must create order and calm. Every possibility is at hand for this, for the whole people desires it."
1100 Report on the food supply of Budapest: "The 228 bakeries in Budapest are all fully operating; as many as 150 trucks and several horse-drawn carts are carrying bread to all parts of the capital; the bakeries have supplies of flour and fuel for several weeks. The dairies are also [29/30] operating." Further reports that the milk, butter, cheese, meat, fat and tobacco supplies are also satisfactory. [30/31]


0930 Report that a large shipment had arrived the previous day from the International Red Cross. A shipment of bandages and blood plasma from the United States was also received...


1205 "In order to stop further bloodshed and ensure peaceful progress, the government of the Hungarian People's Republic has ordered a general and immediate cease-fire. It instructs the armed forces to fire only if attacked."
1325 "The true reason for the dramatic events of late are the eight years of Stalinism in Hungary, the unrestricted raging of despotism which was then followed by relief. We said very often that in 1945 we had a chance to start real construction, to build up a free Hungary. Today we see clearly that we failed to make use of the chance which was offered to us . . . or, more accurately, we were not permitted to use the chance offered to us by fate. With a few exceptions nobody denies today that the great trouble and sorrow we had to endure was not entirely in vain, we also profited from the past eight years. So -one may ask- what was the actual reason for the warfare of the past days in Budapest? Delay, temporizing. The failure to understand the real, the actual situation as it was, the disregarding of the will of the people... [31/32]


1455 "The Szombathely unit of the Hungarian Writers' Union sends enthusiastic patriotic greetings to the Revolutionary Council and the workers' councils. It regards their problems as its own, since they also bear the writers' old desires and wishes. The writers also demand from the government that Soviet troops be recalled from Hungary and cessation of the compulsory teaching of Russian.
"Nothing can halt the victory of our cause now. Therefore, let the superfluous bloodshed end."
Report on the situation in Szombathely. Announcements that the workers of the [railway-] car repair shop have decided to continue striking until the Russians leave Hungary; that two political prisoners were freed from the local jail and handed over to the repair workshop, which is providing them with full board; that the director of the oil refinery has been removed and the production personnel placed under the authority of the workers' council; that the workers will not produce any oil because they do not want Soviet tanks to be supplied with it....
1643 "Headed by T. Andras, a miner, the miners of Balinka [new coal town in Veszprem County west of Budapest] sent a delegation of seven to Radio Free Gyor.
...Their first demand is that Imre Nagy call on the Russian troops to begin their withdrawal from Hungary carrying white flags. . . . How do the miners regard the future? The future social system of Hungary should be decided by free elections. They do not object to the Communist Party standing with the other parties; the people will decide in which party it will put its confidence. The delegation, which represents 30,000 miners, will accept a government list agreed upon by the insurgents and in this case they would respect the cease-fire appeal. They demand that Imre Nagy give a guarantee that he is able and willing to lead the country out of the abyss.
"Until these demands are met the miners of Balinka and its district are not prepared to produce a single spadeful of coal...
"At the Balinka station 30 wagonloads of coal are standing ready and the moment a peace under the stated conditions is signed, this coal can be sent immediately to factories, plants and to the population which has suffered so many shortages. In case of such a peace the miners will immediately commence work and they promise that this work will be at a speed never achieved in any kind of [Socialist] competition. The miners are for order and discipline. They do not approve of irresponsible elements who wish to disrunt order. They trust in the soldiers who have joined us."
Message from the Army garrison in Gyor:
"Workers of Gyor: Dear friends: We, the soldiers of the Gyor garrison, have backed your justified demands. We support them and are ready to give our lives for them. . . . Fight with us for an independent Hungary. Please support our call."
"The National Council of Komarom informs Hegyeshalom that the road is clear until Esztergom. According to information from Hegyeshalom, the Army and the members of the National Council are going back and forth to Vienna arranging for medical supplies. We call on everyone to keep the road clear for trucks and cars bringing relief."


1740 "Attention! Attention! We have a message from the workers' councils and student parliament of Borsod County. An appeal to Hungarian workers' councils and freedom fighters! Debrecen, Szeged, Hatvan, Szekesfehervar, Pecs, Szombathely, Gyor, Mosonmagyarovar, Szolnok, Nyiregyhaza and all workers' councils, freedom fighters and youth of the country!
"In the course of our several days' fight for freedom the joint demands of the entire country are slowly beginning to take shape. Therefore, we workers, students and armed forces under the leadership of the workers' council and student parliament of Miskolc submit the following proposal:
"1. We demand a new provisional government, one truly democratic, sovereign and independent, fighting for a free and Socialist Hungary, excluding all ministers who served in the Rakosi regime.
"2. Such a government can only be created through general and free elections: Since under the present conditions we cannot realize this, we propose that Imre Nagy form a provisional government containing only the most essential ministries. Ministries of related branches shall be combined. In the present situation there is absolutely no need for 22 ministries and three Deputy Premiers.
"3. The first act of this new independent provisional government, based on a coalition of the Hungarian Workers' [Communist] Party and the Patriotic People's Front, shall be the immediate recall of Soviet troops from our country, not to their bases but to their Fatherland, the Soviet Union.
"4. The new government shall include in its program, and carry out, the demands of all workers' councils and student parliaments of the country. These demands have already been made known in the press everywhere.
"5. The new State power shall have only two kinds of armed forces -the police and the regular Army. The State Security Authority [AVO] is to be abolished.
"6. The abolition of martial law, and full amnesty after the withdrawal of Soviet troops for all freedom fighters and all patriots who have participated in the uprising in any way. [32/33]

"7. General elections to be held within two months with the participation of several parties.
"Let us adopt a common position based on the above. This position appears so far to be shared by all and is by no means the same as that of the present government, which is relying on a foreign power...
"Let us seek every means of contact with one another in the interest of presenting our opinions, especially by means of radio.
"Pecs, Gyor, Mosonmagyarovar, Miskolc, Debrecen and Nyiregyhaza and others are by now in possession of radio stations. Therefore it is possible to create adequate radio contacts. We suggest contact on 42 and 43 meters shortwave. Miskolc will signal on these wavelengths on every second, even-numbered hour.
"All of you, call on the Soviet troops, in Russian too, not to fight for the suppression of the Hungarian people's legitimate struggle for freedom. We want to regard the Soviet Union as our friend but we want to be independent ourselves. We do not want to be at war with them.
"The troops of the Soviet Union were called into our Fatherland by the oppressor of the country, Gero, a Rakosi follower, with the lie that they must fight against counterrevolutionary bands, fascist mobs and common looters. By now they themselves and the entire world know that this is not true. For this reason we demand that Gero and his accomplices be called to account."
Report that in the afternoon talks had been conducted between the workers' council in Nyiregyhaza and leaders of Soviet military units, with the result that the Russian units promised to withdraw from Nyiregyhaza and not to station them. selves in the town.


1800 Speech by Premier Imre Nagy:
"During the course of the past few days bloody events have taken place with tragic rapidity. . . . During the course of one thousand years of history, destiny was not sparing in scourging our people and nation. But such a thing has never before afflicted our country.
"The government rejects the view of the formidable popular movement as a counter-revolution. Of course . . . this movement was exploited by criminal and reactionary, counter-revolutionary elements . . with the aim of overthrowing the people's democratic regime.
"But it is also indisputable that in this movement a great national and democratic movement, embracing and unifying all our people, has developed.... The grave crimes committed during the historic period just past released this great movement...
"The situation was further aggravated by the fact that, up to the very last, the leadership did not decide to break finally with its old and criminal policy. It is this above all which led us to this tragic fratricidal fight in which so many patriots died on both sides...
"The [new] government wishes to rest in the first place on the support of the fighting Hungarian working class, but also of course on the entire working population of Hungary. We [will] work out a vast program . . . to give satisfaction to the old and just demands of the workers: revision of norms and salaries, a rise in the lowest salaries and pensions . . . and the implementation of higher family allowances.
"To help resolve the housing crisis, the government will support all State, cooperative, and private enterprise for construction. The government welcomes the initiative taken by workers for the extension of democracy in their enterprises, and approves the constitution of workers' councils. The government will firmly put an end to the serious illegalities committed in the collective farm movement and the division of land. . . . The government will strongly support young workers, peasants and students, giving them the means of using their initiative in the framework of a cleaner public life. . . . The government supports those new organs of democratic self-government which the people have started and will strive to find a place for them in the administrative machinery. . . . New armed forces will be formed from units of the Army, of the police, and of the armed workers' and youth groups.
"The Hungarian government has come to an agreement with the Soviet government whereby Soviet forces shall withdraw immediately from Budapest and, simultaneously with the formation of our new Army, shall evacuate the city. The Hungarian government has started negotiations to settle relations between the Hungarian People's Republic and the Soviet Union with regard to the withdrawal of Soviet forces stationed in Hungary. All this is in the spirit of Soviet-Hungarian friendship and the principle of the mutual equality and national independence of Socialist countries.
"After the re-establishment of order we shall organize a new and single State police force and we shall dissolve the organs of State security. No one who took part in the armed fighting need fear reprisals.
"The government shafl propose to the National Assembly that the emblem of Kossuth shall again appear on our flags and that March 15 shall again be a national holiday... [33/34]

2010 "The new national government held its first Cabinet meeting this afternoon. Imre Nagy presided in the chair. Apart from the Council of Ministers, present were Istvan Dobi and Sandor Ronai. The Cabinet discussed the statement made by Imre Nagy on the political situation and approved the government's statement which he put forward.
"The Cabinet heard reports . . . concerning the organization of public supplies. There are temporary difficulties with regard to milk supplies. The Cabinet authorized the Committee of Public Supplies to take steps regarding supplies for children, schools, and hospitals.
"The Cabinet discussed the question of making good the damage caused by the armed conflict. It passed a decision about expediting the manufacture of glass in the country and about the import of window glass from abroad to replace windows broken during the armed conflict.
"At the suggestion of Zoltan Tildy, the Cabinet instructed the Minister of Agriculture to suspend the implementation of commassation[9] and to make a proposal to revise the commassation decree.'
"In consideration of the just requests of small craftsmen, the Cabinet made a decision about the revision of the supply of raw materials for them. The Cabinet appointed a commission to revise the system of agricultural produce collection.
"The Cabinet instructed the Minister of Education to withdraw from circulation without delay all history textbooks. In other textbooks all passages impregnated with the spirit of the cult of personality [of Communist leader Matyas Rakosi]must be rectified by the teachers in the course of study.
"The Foreign Minister and the chairman of the Public Supply Committee announced that material aid had been of fered to Hungary by the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, the German Democratic Republic, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, the United States, Austria, several other States, and the Red Cross. The Cabinet gratefully accepted the offered aid.


2025 Comment on Imre Nagy's speech over Radio Budapest. Quoting extensively from Nagy's speech, the commentary refers to Nagy's statement that very many patriots have fallen on both sides, and says that this is mistaken "because in the opinion of the people of Borsod County those students and workers who peacefully demonstrated for their legitimate demands were indeed Hungarian patriots, but it is an outrage to say this about the armed bandits of the security police who fired on the people. This is a serious defect in Nagy's speech.
"The government promises that it will rest on the strength and will of the people. The strength of the people will support the government only if it acts immediately to put into effect the just demands of the people."
Quoting Nagy's cease-fire order and his request for the laying down of arms, the commentary says that in Borsod County only those maintaining order and security carry arms, "and they will keep their arms as long as they are needed for this purpose. They interpret the cease-fire as meaning that they will answer shot for shot." The commentary then quotes Nagy's
statement on agreement with the Soviet command on the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Budapest.
"We are only partially satisfied with this report because the people of Borsod County want not only the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Budapest but that they withdraw completely from Hungarian territory and go home. We find it regrettable that Nagy mentioned only Budapest. Talks on the complete withdrawal of Soviet troops are to start only later. Nagy said that they are to be conducted in the spirit of Hungarian.Soviet friendship. We entirely agree with the idea of Hungarian-Soviet friendship, but it is our opinion that these talks should have been started long ago.
"The workers' council fully agrees with abolition of the State security forces. In many respects the workers of Borsod County approved of the speech but they had some reservations. We have confidence in Imre Nagy. We stand behind him. We support him with all our force, hoping, however, that he will very soon make his promises concrete with action... [34/36]

[7]The former were the greatest family of aristocratic landowners in pre-communist days, the latter the greatest industrialist, Manfred Weiss.
[8]The Kilian Barracks were under the command of General Maleter, who was made Defense Minister on November 3. This position hecame a focal point of resistance in Budapest.
[9]This refers to the last of a series of decrees dealing with the redistribution of land. These decrees were introduced to facilitate collectivization and make it possible for collectives to include the best land in a close geographic unit, leaving the individual peasants with strips often far removed from their home.

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