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[1]. Aurelian, Lucius Domitius (212-275), Holy Roman Emperor from 270; He withdrew his legions from Dacia, and placed them south of the Danube, in Moesia (creating two new Dacias: Dacia Ripensis and Dacia Mediterranea).

[2]. Form of government in the Asian states of ancient times; such states lived under the rule of four reigning princes.

[3]. Ulfila (Ulfilas, Wulfila, 311-383), bishop of the Goths. Founder of the Gothic writing. He translated the Bible into Gothic.

[4]. Maior Petru (1760 or 1761-1821), monk, teacher, later Greek-Catholic Rumanian clergyman in Szászrégen. He was named censor of the Royal Press at Buda in 1808. Convinced propagator of the continuity theory.

[5].Cult of the Sun deity

[6]. Illiricum (Illyria), Balkan area along the Adriatic sea.

In 168 A.D. Roman province, 1809-1813 French territory, from 1815 it belonged to Austria, from 1919 Yugoslavian province.

[7]. Today's Constan_a, Ovidius (43 B.C. - 17 A.D.), Roman poet was exiled there.

[8]. Metropolit is the second highest clerical dignity of the Greek-Catholic Church, following the dignity of patriarch. Originally, name of the Roman-Catholic bishops (or exarchs, patriarchs, primates, archbishops) residing in the capitals of the Roman provinces (metropolis). Metropolie is the corresponding administrative unit of the Orthodox Church, under the patriarchate but above the bishopric.

[9]. Father of the Church (342-419), patron saint of writers and scientists.

[10]. The first archbishop of Kalocsa. Benedictin monk. He came to Hungary as convertor friar during the times of Géza's reign. He led Saint Stephen's mission to ask Pope Sylvester II. for a crown.

[11]. Dynasty of emperors in Byzantium, until 1158 A.D.

[12]. The last dynasty of emperors in Byzantium (1259 - 1453).

[13]. Fertile lowland and mountainous district located along the Olt and Barca rivers, surrounded by the Transylvanian Carpathians.

[14]. Kenéz meant head of the clan; originally, the Kenéz-s were colonizing contractors, who received uninhabited lands from the Hungarian King to colonize and populate it. He and his descendants could settle judicial affairs of smaller significance.

[15]. A heretical religious movement, started in the 10th century in Bulgaria. After the 15th century their followers converted to Islam.

[16]. John Túróczi (1435-1490), Hungarian chronicle writer. Prothonotary (a professional judge of the federal Court of Appeal) in king Mathias' court. His work is the Chronica


[17]. City in Torda-Aranyos county. The oldest city in Transylvania.

[18]. Village in Fogaras county (Rum. Bran). Pass between Transylvania and Wallachia. Its stone castle was built in 1377 with the authorization of Louis the Great.

19. Part of Wallachia, located west of the Olt River. Its name is Oltenia today. The area belonged to Hungary before the Turkish reign.

20. Capital of Wallachia in the 14th-16th Centuries, seat of the voivod.


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