[Table of Contents] [Previous] [HMK Home] THE NATIONALITIES PROBLEM IN TRANSYLVANIA 1867-1940

Part I.

Chapter I.

1. A. Barbat, politica economica ungureasca si dezvoltarea burgheziei romane in Ardeal (Cluj, 1936). Extras din revisita Observatorul Social-Economic", Cluj, Nos. 3-4, 1936.

2. Petre Suciu, Probleme ardelene (Cluj, 1924), p. 37.

3. Ion Slavici, Romanii din Ardeal (Buchareet, 1910), p. 32.

4. Denes Sebess, Adotok a magyar agrarpolitikahoz a jobbagysag felszabaditasa utan [Contribution to The Study of Hungarian Land Policies since the Emancipation of the Serfes (Budapest, 1908), p. 23.

5. Ion Slavici, Lumea prin care am trecut (Bucharest, 1930), p. 65.

6. Ion Slavici, Politica nationala romana (Bucharest, 1915), p. 27.

7. "Din istoria fondurilor nasaudene," Revista Bistritei, 1903 Oct. 31, 1903.

8. Magyar Torvenytar [Hungarian Book of Statutes], 1898 articles XVII, XVIII, and XIX.

9. The justification for the proposed law on ownership of forests, in Sebess, op. cit., pp. 56-62.

10. Revista Bistritei, 1909, No. 31.

11. Ibid

12. Revista Economica, 1901, p. 371.

13. "Comunitatea de avere dela Caransebes in primejdie," Libertatea 1910 No. 371.

14. "Statut uber den Organismus und Wirkungskreis der Vermogen Gemeinde in ehemaliger Rosener Banater Grenz. Regimente-Bezirke Caransebes, 1892" in Sebess. Op. cit., p. 63.

15. Ion Enescu and Iuliu Enescu, Ardealul, Banatul, Crisana si Maramuresul din punct de vedere agricol, cultural si economic (Bucharest, 1920), p. 32.

16. Ioan Cavaler de Puscariu, Notite despre intamplarile contemporane (Sibiu, 1913), pp. 130-31.

17. Tribuna, July 19, 1884, No. 68.

18. Ibid, January 30, 1885, No. 14.

19. Silvestru Moldovan, Tara noastra (Sibiu, 1894), pp. 129-30.

20. Ibid, p. 223.

21. Ibid, p. 241.

22. Ibid, p. 260.

23. Silvestru Moldovan, Zarandul si Muntii Apuseni ai Transiluaniei (Sibiu, 1898), p. 46.

24. Slavici, Romanii din Ardeal, p. 32.

25. Suciu, op. cit., p. 37.

26. Tribuna February 25, 1890, No. 34.

27. Cartile sateanului roman. Pacatele noastre de Petre Suciu. (Cluj-Gherla, 1903), pp. 15-16.

28. Ibid,p.5.

29. Ibid, p. 28.

30. Suciu, op. cit., p. 5.


31. Laszlo Tokaji, Elado orszag [Country for Sale] (Kolozsvar, 1913), II. GXLIII.

32. Jozsef Papp, "Epizodok a romansag tortgnetebol a magyar uralom alatt" [Episodes from the History of the Romanians under Hungarian Rule] Magyar Kisebbseg [Hungarian Minority], Vol. 1 (1931), p. 152.

33. Istvan Bethlen, Az olahok birtokvastarlasai Magyarorszagon az utoIso ot ev folyaman [Purchases of Estates by Romanians in Hungary in the Last Five Years], (Budapest, 1912).

34. "Suna dobele, suna.," Libertatea, 1903, No. 12.

35. "Lupta pentru pamant," Tribuna, November 19, 1912, No. 40.

36. Gazeta Transilvaniei, October 31, 1912.

37. "Un salut," revista Bistritei, 1906, No. 46.

38. Prelegeri economice," Ibid, 1909, No. 7.

39. Ibid

40. lbid, February 5, 1910, No. 49.

41. "Economia," Gazeta Transilvaniei, October 13, 1912.

42. Libertatea, 1904, No. 20.

43. Revista Bistritei, 1908, No. 32.

44. Ibid, 1909, No. 3.

45. Ion and Iuliu Enescu, op. cit., pp. 70-74.

46. "Un primar distins," Gazeta Transilvaniei, January 22, 1911.

47. Papp, op. cit., pp. 126-27 on the basis of the September 10, 1910 issue of Vointa Nationala, published in Bucharest.

48. Gheorghe Dragos, Cooperacia in Ardeal (Bucharest, 1934), p. 24.

49. Ibid, p. 47.

50. Ibid., p.60.

51. "Despre insotirile de consum," Revista Bistritei, 1909, No. 8.

52. Ibid

53. Ibid, 1909, No. 10.

54. Gheorghe Dragos, op. cit., p. 70.

55. Ion and Iuliu Enescu, op. cit., pp. 121-23.

56. Elemer Jakabffy, Adatok a romansag tortenetehez a magyor uralom alatt [Data to the History of the Romanians under Hungarian Rule] (Lugos, 1931), p. 260 on the basis of the April 13, 1913 issue of Foaia Poporului Roman.

57. This proverb is quoted in a Romanian newspaper.

58. "in atentiunea carturarilor nostri," Revista Bistritei, 1909, No. 9.

59. Revista Bistritei, January 31, 1903, No. 3.

60. "Questiones perpetuae," Revista Bistritei, March 14, 1903.

61. Ibid, No. 1.

62. "Cum ne judica stranii?" Ibid. March 6, 1909.

63. Suciu, Probleme ardelene, p. 10.

64. Pal Balogh, A nepfajok Magyarorszagon [Ethnic Groups in Hungary] (Budapest, 1902), p. 1036.

65. 'Unde au fost buni Romani," Libertatea, 1911, No. 36.

66. "Un prefect model," Tribuna, March 21, 1907.

67. Ibid, March 24, 1907.

68. "Cuvantul profesorului universitar dela Iasi C. Stere in chestia taraneasca." Tribuna, March 24, 1907.


69. "Revolutia din Romania," Libertatea, 1967, No. 14.

70. Calindarul poporului Roman pe 1908. Budapest, pp. 120, 141.

71. Slavici's article in the Tribuna on April 3, 1907.

72. Speech by Iorga. Monitorul Oficial, June 29, 1907, p. 21.

73. The well-known slogan of Romanian nationalists in Hungary, formulated by Slavici for the first time in an 1884 issue of the Tribuna.

74. Slavici published the letter referring to the July 15, 1907 issue of Neamul Romanesc and Iorga's reply Inchisorile mele (Bucharest, 1921), pp. 303-4.

75. The August 22, 1911, issue of Universul, reprinted in Jakabffy, op. cit., p. 5.

76. January 30, 1912, of Neamul Romanesc, reprinted Jakabffy, op. cit. p. 8.

77. In the December 10, 1918, issue of Avedarul, reprinted in Jakabffy, op. cit., pp. 10-11.

78. Ion Lupas, Istoria bisericeasca a romanilor ardeleni (Sibiu, 1918), pp 224-226.

79. Observatorul Social-Economic (Revista lunara). Cluj, 1931, p. 322 ff.

80. Calindarul poporului Roman pe 1908, Budape6t, pp. 152-154.

81. Gazeta Transilvaniei, January 16, 1897, No. 3.

82. Petre Suciu, Clasele noastre sociale in Ardeal (Turda [Torda], 1930), p. 18.

83. "Comertul in Transilvania," Patria, December 3, 1920.

84. Slavici, Romanii din Ardeal, p. 37.

85. Slavici, Lumea prin care am trecut, pp. 85-87.

86. I. Colan, Casina romana din Brasov, 1835-1935 (Brasov, 1935), p. 106. There are details regarding the flourishing Romanian business activities in Brasov on pages 149-162.

87. Libertatea, 1908, No.14, and throughout the year, without anyone raising eyebrows over the issue.

88. "Comertul in Transilvania", Patria, December 3, 1928.

89. Gazeta Transilvaniei, January 16, 1896, No. 3.

90. Information regarding Albina can be found in P. Petrescu, Monografia institutului de credit si de economii 'Albina' [n.p., n.d.], and the accounts under the column "Revisita Economica" in the offcial paper of the union of banks (by volume).

91. Revisita Economica, 1918, pp. 36-37, 73, 110, 148, and 203.

92. Petre H. Nicolae, Bancile romanesti din Ardeal si Banat (Sibiu, 1936), p. 68.

93. Enescu, op. cit., pp. 214-215.

94. "Economia," Tribuna, January 16, 1912.

95. "Szegeny Erdelyorszag" [Poor Transylvania], Pesti Hirlap January 21, 1912.

96. Calindarul poporului pe 1900, Sibiu, p. 95.

97. Sine A6sa con itur ad asra," Revista Bisritei, August 15, 1908, No. 31.

98. "O credinta falsa, care trebue stirpita din popor," Libertatea, 1902, No.50.

99. For instance in Vaida's speech of 1923 at Buzau, or in Slavici's work, Inchisorile mele.

100. Tokaji, op. cit., p. 17.

101. P. Suciu, Clasele noastre sociale in Ardeal, p. 11.

102. "O grea problema," Gazeta Transiluaniei, May 14, 1912, No. 95.


103. Slavici, Lumea prin care am trecut, p. 33.

104. "Cronica externa," Gazeta Transilaniei, 1869, No. 23.

105. Puscariu, op. cit., p. 116.

106. "Falnicul Zarand" Libertatea, 1904, No. 34.

107. Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1897, No. 48.

108. "Urmarile increderei romanilor," Ibid, 1869, No. 79.

109. A magyar kiralyi beliugyminiszterium tiszti nevtara [The Roster of Officials of the Royal Hungarian Ministry of the Interior] (Buda, 1873), pp. 110-111.

110. Ibid., pp. 113-114.

111. Puscariu, op. cit., p. 156.

112. Ibid, p. 136.

113. Ibid, p. 156.

114. Ibid, p. 43.

115. "Discursul d-lui Dr. Iosif Hodosiu," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1869, No. 22.

116. The summons '26 August baia de crisiu,' Ibid, September 7, 1872.

117. Sextil Puscariu, Rasunetul razboiului pentru independenta in Ardeal (Bucharest, 1927), p. 12.

118. Az Athenaeum nagy kepes naptara (TheGreat Illustrated Calendarof the Athenaeum) (Budapest, 1892).

119. Tribuna, December 16, 1884, No. 195.

120. Pucariu, op. cit., p. 26.

121. Ibid, p. 27.

122. A magyarorszdgi kozsegi es korjegyzok evkonyve az 1884-85 evekre [Yearbook of the Community and District Notaries of Hungary for the Years 1884-85], ed. Ferenc Vago, (Nagyvarad, 1885).

123. "De Dupa culise," Biruinta, July 28, 1929.

124. Tribuna, November 4, 1884, No. 154.

125. In the May 10, 1913 issue of Romanul, reprinted in Jakabffy, op. cit., p. 206, under the title "Tudatlansag vagy misztifikacio" (Ignorance or Mystification].

126. P. Suciu, "Problema oraselor ardelene,' Societatea de Maine, Vol. I (1924), p. 42.

127. "L'Alsace, Lorraine et l'Empire Germanique," Revue des deux mondes, Vol. XXXVIII (1888), pp. 721-757 and XL, pp. 241-291.

128. "Mortii nostri," Ca1indarul poporului Roman, 1912, p. 181.

129. "Conspectul romalnilor din Budapesta dupa profesiune," Calindarul poporului Roman, 1914, pp. 102-105.

130. "Unsere braven 'ficieri'," Telegraful Roman, 1898, No. 80.

131. Libertatea, 1903, No. 16.

132. "Un roman - ministru plenipotentiar al Austriei," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1913, No. 45, p. 3.

133. Endre Barna, Romania nemzetisegi politikaja es az olah ajku magyar polgarok [Romania's Nationalities Policies and Hungarian Citizens of Romanian Background] Kolozsvar, 1908), p. 33.

134. Libertatea, 1903, No. 16.


135. Kozigazgatasi nemzeti kalendarium. Hivatali es irodai hasznalatra az 1914. evre [National Administrative Calendar for Official Use, for the Year 1914] (Budapeet, n.d.), pp. 164-165.

136. lbid

137. "Dragii noetri Sasi!," Libertatea, 1909, No. 38.

138. "Dreptate saseasca," Libertatea, 1913, No. 52.

139. Alfred Pesti, Magyarorszag orvosainak evkonyve es cimtara [Yearbook and Register of Physicians in Hungary] (Budapeet, 1914).

140. "De pe apa Ilvei," Revisita Bistritei, 1908, No. 9.

141. "AIegerea de notar," Libertatea, 1907, No. 6.

142. "AIegerea de notar," Libertatea, 1909, No. 1.

143. "Din tara Oasului," Ibid., 1908, No. 1.

144. Kozsegi es kozjegyzok zsebnaptara [Pocket Diary for Community and District Notaries], ed. Mihaly Posch, (Budapest, 1912-14), pp. 197-199.

145. For instance, on the cover of the Calindarul poporului pe 1914.

146. Erdelyi Kalendarium az 1914-ik rendes evre [Traneylvanian Calendar for the Year 1914] (Torda, 1914).

147. Pal Balogh, op. cit., p. 1037.

148. "Chestiunea nationalitatilor," Tribuna, 1885, No. 240.

149. Dragos, Progres, p. 127.

150. "Rele peste rele," Libertatea, 1906, No. 2.

151. "Vandalisa," Rervista Bistritei, 1908, No. 46.

152. "Din pildele altora," Libertatea, 1905, No. 51.

153. Tokaji, op. cit., p. xxi, p. 1.

154. "Bietul pribegici," Libertatea, 1908, No. 8.

155. Bela Kenez, Nep es fold [The People and the Land] (Budapeet, 1917), pp. 122-123.

156. "Trecut si viitor," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1913, No. 1 (January 1, 1914).

Chapter II.

1. Louis Eisenmann, Le compromis austro hongrois de 1867 (Paris, 1904), p. 551.

2. Imre Miko, Nemzetisegi jog es nemzetisegi politika [The Rights of Nationalities and Nationalities Policies] (Kolozsvar, 1944), pp. 342 344.

3. In several works by Iorga and Lupas, as well as in high school textbooks Scoala romaneasca din Transilvania si Ungaria. Onisifor Ghibu, the Romanian university professor well-known for his anti-Hungarian feelings, wrote in 1915: "From the moment the law on nationalities went into effect until now the law has never been observed." Extras din Revisita Generala a Invatamantului (Bucharest, 1915), p. 20.

4. Puscariu, op. cit., p. 85.

5. Ibid., pp. 112-113.

6. Ibid., p. 125.

7. La inceputul anului," Telegraful Roman, 1899, No. 1.

8. Tribuna, October 17-29, 1885, No. 237.

9. Slavici, Lumea prin care am trecut, pp. 64-65.

10. "Din comitatul Solnocului interior in Oct," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1869, No 78.

11. "Tribunale care interpreteaza legile," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1872, No.56.

12. "Limba romana in statut," ibid., 1872, No. 632.

13. Ibid.


14. Asia ce face toti practii - Rupea," ibid., 1872, Nos. 78, 81.

15. Esperturi despre luptele si gravaminele romanilor," ibid., 1872, No. 101.

16. Slavici, Lumea prin care am trecut, pp. 69-7G.

17. Ibid., pp. 6649.

18. Ibid., p. 70.

19. Ibid., p. 72.

20. Teodor V. Pacatian, Cartea de aur sau luptele politice-nationale ale romanilor de sub coroana ungara (Sibiu, 1902-1915), Vol. VI, pp. 655-656.

21. Ion Lupas, Contributiuni la istoria ziaristicei romanesti ardelene (Sibiu, 1926), p.21.

22. Puscariu, op. cit., 9, pp. 24-25.

23. Tribuna, December 14, 1884, No. 195.

24. Vago, ed., op. cit., pp. 207-208.

25. "Curentul neu," Libertatea, 1902, No. 22.

26. "Visul nostru," ibid., 1907, No. 36.

27. "Notarirea dela Siclau," ibid., 1910, No. 8.

28. Ibid., 1912, No. 28, p. 5.

29. "Drepturi pentru limba noastra," ibid., 1912, p. 53.

30. "Pilda vrednica," ibid., 1906, No. 5.

31. Italics in the original.

32. Italics by the author.

33. "Cum sa scriem la comitat in treburile scolilor?" Libertatea, 1910, No.49.

34. "Cutezanta unui solgabirau in a ataca dreptul limbii romane," Libertatea, 1910, No.33.

35. Tribuna, Oct. 29, 1885, No. 237.

36. "Monumentul lui Avram Iancu," Revista Orastiei, September 5, 1885, No. 39.

37. Jozsef Papp, in Magyar Kisebbseg, 1931, No. 10, p. 879.

38. "Conspectul romanilor din Budapesta dupa profesiune", Calindarul poporului pe 1914, p. 102-105.

39. Tribuna, May 9, 1884, No. 21.

40. Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1 890, No . 18 .

41. Valeriu Moldovan, "Lupta in comitate," Libertatea, January 25, 1902.

42. Libertatea, 1902, No. 2.

43. "Sovinismul brutal," ibid., June 7, 1902, No. 24.

44. "Dela congregatia," ibid., 1903, No. 41.

45. "Noutati, ibid., 1904, No. 1.

46. "Lupta romanilor la Dej," ibid., 1904, No. 2.

47. "Drept are," ibid., 1904, No. 3.

48. "Dela Dej," Libertatea, 1904, No. 4. At the funeral of Ion Bratianu in 1927, the same Alexanderu Vaida-Voevod was to declare that, thanks to the intervention of the great statesman, the Romanian parties of the Regat were able to reach an agreement regarding the Transylvanian issue: "From then on, in obedience to instruction received from Bratianu, the leaders of the Romanian parties of Transylvania guided the struggles of the Romanians according to instructions from the party in power in Romania." Thus the leaders of the Romanians of Transylvania were in constant contact with the governments of


Romania (Viitorul, November 30, 1927). Mihali, who was likewise active in Des, wrote in 1929 that the Romanian Party of Hungary carried on its struggle in accordance with instructions received from Bucharest, and liaison with Bucharest was an organic part of the politics and tactics of the Romanian National Party

49. "Dela congregatie," Libertatea, 1910, No. 11.

50. "Lupta romaneasca la Arad," ibid., 1913, No. 46.

51. Ibid., 1903, No. 49.

52. "Dela oras," ibid., 1902, No. 43.

53. "Sovinismul deschide careri noi," ibid., 1912, No. 37.

54. "Mai nou," ibid., 1902, No. 54.

55. "Amintiri din anul, 1889," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1890, No. 1.

56. "Procesul Novacovici," Libertatea, 1902, No. 17.

57. Romanul, November 23, 1911. See Jakabffy, op. cit., pp. 80-81.

58. Kelet, 1872, No. 145, published in Belso-Szolnok county (the paper for the Ferenc Deak Party in Kolozsvar).

59. Ibid > 1872, No. 205.

60. Istvan Kniezsa, "Keletmagyarorszag helynevei" [Place Names in Eastern Hungary] in Magyarok es romanok [Hungarians and Romanians], Vol. I, eds. Jozsef Deer and Laszlo Galdi (Budapest, 1943), pp. 158-159. This was the yearbook of the Hungarian Historical Institute for 1943. Kniezsa shows that 58% of the 3,836 Romanian names listed in the work of S. Moldovan and N. Togan, Dictionarul numirilor de localitati cu poporatiune romana di Ungaria (Sibiu, 1909), were derived from the Hungarian. 21.3% of all names have a purely Romanian origin, 12% Slav, 4.2% German, while the derivation of 304 names remains unknown. Of the 511 place names mentioned in contemporary sources to the end of the 13th century, there were only three of Romanian origin, whereas 423 were Hungarian. Of the Romanian place names mentioned before 1400 AD 1,355 were of Hungarian and 76 of Romanian derivation. These data demonstrate that the overwhelming majority of place names were taken over by the Romanians from the Hungarian language.

61. Revista Bistritei, 1908, No. 32.

62. "O horarie dreapta," Libertatea, 1909, No. 7

63. "Numirile comunelor," Unirea, February 10, 1912.

64. "Stie romaneste," Revista Orastiei, October 26 - November 7,1896, No.44.

65. "Coresondenta," Libertatea, 1903, No. 43.

66. "Praznicul cultural dela Arad," ibid., 1911, No. 18.

67. Universul, January 11, 1913, in Jakabffy, op. cit., pp. 181-182.

68. "Starea sociala a romanilor besarabeni," ibid., October 17, 1912.

69. "Trecut si viitor," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1913, No. 1.

70. "Pilda rea a apasarii," Libertatea, 1908, No. 38.

71. "Adunari mute," ibid., 1908, No. 51.

72. L. Colescu, Rescensamantul general al populatiunei Romaniei (Bucharest, 1905), analyzed in detail by Endre Barna, Romania nemzetisegi politikaja es az olah ajku magyar polgarok [Romania's Nationalities Policies and Hungarian Citizens of Romanian background] (Kolozsvar, 1908).

73. Sezatared Sateanului, (Bucharest), 1906, No. 9-10, pp. 286-290.


74. On the basis of his analysis of the regions inhabited by minorities Endre Barna estimated the total number of non-Romanians at almost one million. Op. cit., p. 22 ff.

75. Ibid., pp. 71-72.

76. On the basis of the August 29, 1906, issue of Dimineata and other Romanian newspapers. In Barna, op. cit., p. 161.

77. Romanul, October 25,1911, No. 234, states that Ciomag's essay appeared in the periodical Noua Revista Romana, published in Bucharest. The comments by Romanul are deplorably lacking in purity of principles.

Chapter III.

1. Puscariu, op. cit., p. 86.

2. Ibid, p. 121.

3. Telegraful Roman, January 27, 1898, No. 6.

4. Eusebiu Rosca, Monografia mitropoliei ortodoxe romane a Ardealului (Sibiu, 1937), pp. 161-163.

5. "Sinodele parochiale," Telegraful Roman, 1899. No. 4.

6. Puscariu, op. cit., p. 135.

7. Ibid, p. 136.

8. Lupas, op. cit., pp. 194-197.

9. "Sfintirea catedralei ortodoxe romane din Sibiu," Deyteptarea, May 24, 1906.

10. Rosca, op. cit., p. 29.

11. Ibid, p. 163.

12. "La biografia raposatului metropolit Miron," Telegraful Roman, 1898, No. 118.

13. "Foaie bisericeasca, scolastica etc.," Biserica si Scoala, 1879, p. 122.

14. Biserica si Scoala, 1877, pp. 341-342.

15. Onisifor Ghibu, Scoala romaneasca din Transilvania si Ungaria (Bucharest, 1915), p. 84.

16. Tribuna, April 21, 1884, No. 6.

17. Ibid, October 18, 1885, No. 228.

18. Ibid, October 29, 1885, No. 237.

19. "Catre oun cetifori," Viitoriul, 1884, No. 1.

20. This role of the Tribuna is described in detail by in his work A Tribuna es a magyarorszagi roman koztvelemeny [the Tribuna and Romanian Public Opinion in Hungary] (Kolozsvar, 1942).

21. "Presiuni electorale," Tribuna, May 21, 1884, No. 20.

22. Tribuna, December 31, 1884, No. 199.

23. Rosca, op. cit., p. 24.

24. "Autonomia Transilvaniei," Telegraful Roman, 1896, No. 21.

25. Telegraful Roman, 1896, No. 42. "Cerculariu catre clerul si poporul orthodox roman din archidiecesa Transilvaniei," Sibiu.


26. Ibid

27. Telegraful Roman, 1898, No. 37.

28. Papp, op. cit., pp. 94-95.

29. Libertatea, 1905, Nos. 2 and 10.

30. "Inchinatorii," Ibid, 1909, No. 8.

31. The adamantly nationalistic weekly Libertatea was edited by the Orthodox deacon Mota.

32. "Sfintirea bisericei din Racastie," Telegraful Roman, 1898, No. 130.

33. Ibid, 1899, No. 22.

34. "Purtarea preotilor in societate si cu poporul," Biserica si JScoala, 1877, pp. 74-75. 35. Ibid, 1877, p. 138.

36. Ibid, 1878, p. 25.

37. Ibid, 1883, pp. 285-286, and 296.

38. Tribuna, June 8, 1884, No. 35.

39. Rosca, op. cit., p. 24.

40. Tribuna Poporului, October 22, 1898, No. 212. Rosea, op. cit., p. 161.

41. Telegraful Roman, 1896, No 12.

42. Tribuna Poporului, February 28, 1899, No. 32. Royea, op. cit., pp. 28, 340.

43. Rosca, op. cit., p. 32.

44. Nicolae Manegutiu, Alamanachul Sfintului Nicolae (Sibiu, 1902), p. 198

45. Rosca, op. cit., p. 30.

46. "Saracii de noi," Libertatea, 1903, No. 48.

47. "Protopopul Dan condemnat si pensionat," Libertatea, 1905 No. 28.

48. "Din public," Libertatea, 1911, No. 21 and 25.

49. Mircea Sirianu, La question de Transylvanie et l 'unite politique roumaine (Paris, 1916), pp. 273-274.

50. "Din Balomir," Libertatea, 1909, No. 51.

51. "Scrisoare din Brad," Ibid, 1912, No. 24.

52. "Scandalul liberal dela Arad," Romania, May 16, 1924.

53. According to the Romanian deacon Nistar from Marosvasarhely. "Intampinare," Romanul, April 26, 1912.

54. Unirea, September 7, 1912.

55. Desteptarea, July 18, 1912.

56. Unirea, October 1, 1912.

57. Jeno Szabo, A gorog-katolikus magyarsag utolso kalvaria utja [The Last Calvary of the Uniate Hungarians] (n.p., n.d.).

58. Libertatea, 1913, No. 25.

59. Roman R. Ciorogariu, Zile traite (Oradea, 1926), p. 50.

60. A magyar korona orszagainak mezogazdasagi statisztikaja [Agricultural Statistics Pertaining to the Lands of the Hungarian Crown], Vol. Vegeredmenyek [Final results], (Budapest, 1900), tables on pp. 23-33.

61. Ibid, pp. 34-41.

62. K. Statisztikai Kozlony [Royal Bulletin of Statistics]. New series Vol. XXVII, pp. 25-33, and pp. 35-41, new series 39, p. 163. Jozsef Vencel, Az erdelyi roman foldbirtok reform [The Romanian Land Reform in Transylvania] (Kolozsvar, 1942), p. 43.


63. Tribuna, February 23, 1912.

64. Sematismul, No. 46.

65. Unirea, December 28, 1911.

66. Sematismul, compiled from the annual reports of the Romanian Uniate church.

67. Unirea, April 20, 1912.

68. On the basis of documents in the archives of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education.

69. Onisifor Ghibu, Viata si organizatia bisericeasca si scolara in Transilvania si Ungaria (Bucharest, 1915), pp. 26-28.

70. "Ajutor de stat pestru consistoriul gr. ort. roman din Oradea-Mare," Telegraful Roman, 1912, No. 23.

71. Archives of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education, 233.970/1918.

72. Rosca, op. cit., p. 268.

73. Archives of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education, 4893/1870.

74. Rosca, op. cit., p. 268.

75. Manegutiu, op. cit., p. 78.

76. Ibid, pp. 78-80.

77. Rosca, op. cit., p. 269.

78. Manegutiu, op. cit., p. 163.

79. The autobiography of Dr. Cristea Illes Miron, quoted in Jakabffy, op. cit., p. 148.

80. Manegutiu, op. cit., p. 164.

81. Ghibu, op. cit., pp. 37-40.

82. Calindarul poporului pe 1902, p. 115.

83. Unirea, February 25, 1913, quoted in Jakabffy, op. cit., p. 190.

84. "Prigonirea scoalelor si bisericilor" Calindarul poporului, 1904 (Sibiu), Vol. XV, p. 104.

85. Archives of the Hungarian Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education, document 72.664-1895.

86. Rosca, op. cit., p. 22.

87. "Situatia preotilor i invatatorilor," Revista Bistritei, 1908, No. 47.

88. Ibid., No. 49.

89. "Criza da preoti in Ardeal," Neamul Romanesc, March 24, 1926.

90. Ghibu, op. cit., pp. 36-37, and 70.

91. Rosca, op. cit., pp. 272-274.

92. Archives of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education, 173.677/1916 and 180.486/1917 documents.

93. Ghibu, op. cit., pp. 26-28.

94. Report by Olteanu, in the Archives of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education 12.982/1873.

95. "Dela Oras," Libertatea, 1902, No. 46.

96. Rosca, op. cit., pp. 184-188.

97. "Un invatatar veteran," Revista Bistritei, May 9, 1908, No. 17.

98. Revista Bistritei, 1903, No. 27.

99. "Dare de seama si multumite publica," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1897, No.45.

100. Revista Bistritei, 1903, No. 9.


10l. "Din Muntii Apuseni," Gazeta Transilvaniei, March 16, 1912.

102. Rosca, op. cit., pp. 29-30.

103. Calindarul Poporului pe 1902, p. 104.

104. "Un pact frumos," Libertatea 1903, No. 1.

105. Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1897, No. 5 and 8.

106. Libertatea 1913, No. 47.

107. Much pertinent data may be found in Vol. I of Biserica Ortodoxa Romana, a religious periodical. This periodical was launched in 1874, when the daily Telegraful Roman of the Romanians of Hungary had already reached twenty volumes.

108. Nicolae Iorga, Istoria romanilor. Integitorii (Bucharest, 1939), p. 314.

109. Biserica Ortodoxa Romana VoI. V, pp. 835-838.

110. In Scara (a semi-official paper of the government) of October 1, 1911, quoted in Elemer Jakabffy, A romanok hazankban es a roman kiralysagban [The Romanians in Our Country and in the Kingdom of Romania] (Budapest, 1918), p. 7.

111. Jakabffy, op. cit., p. 14 and Iorga's already quoted remark.

112. "Solidaritatea nationala biserclicor romanesti," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1913, No. 25.

113. "Raportul comisiumei Sfintului Sinod," Biserica Ortodoxa Romana, V, p. 685.

114. "Unele altela," Libertatea, 1910, No. 31.

115. "Un mou regat albano-roman," Romanul, 1912, November 3, (No. 233).

116. Universul, January 11, 1913, quoted in Jakabffy, Adatok, pp. 181-182.

117. "Macedonia Macedonenilor," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1913, Nos. 12 and 14.

118. "Starea sociala a romainilor besarabeni," Romanul, October 30, 1912.

Chapter IV.

1. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, p. 106.

2. Ibid.

3. Magyar Statisztikai Kozlemenyek [Hungarian Statistical Bulletin], Vol. 31, p. 30.

4. Dezbatarile Senatului, Mo. 8511925, p. 1911.

5. Biserica si Scoala, 1877, No. 2, p. 10.

6. A magyar korona orszagainak mezogazdasagi statisztikaja [Agricultural Statistics of the Kingdom of Hungary] (Budapest, 1897-1900), Vol. 1V, 3441. According to Ghibu there were 1867 Romanian Orthodox registry districts). Viata si organizatia, p. 28.

7. Ghibu, op. cit., p. 108.

8. The printed annual reports of the Hungarian Minist ry of Religious Affaires and Education, compared with Ghibu, op. cit., and the same author's Anuarul pedagogic, 1913, as well as with the data in Protocolul Congresului National Bisericesc din Sibiu, 1916.

9. Protocolul Congresului National Bisericesc din Sibiu, 1917, p. 163.

lo. Biserica si Scoala, 1878, p. 406.

11. Libertatea, 1902, No. 19 and 26.

12. "Scoala din Feldru" Revista Bistritei, 1908 No. 7.

13. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, p. 108.

14. "O frumoasa armonie," Telegraful Roman, 1898, No. 129.

15. "Glas de durere din Secuime," Libertatea, 1913, No. 15.

16. "Un dar scolar," Telegraful Roman, 1898, No. 109.

17. Tribuna, February 10, 1912.

18. "Din Cata," Libertatea, 1914, No. 15.

19. Memoriei prea fericitului Patriarh Miron (Caransebes, 1939), p. 16.

20. Protoculul Congr. Nat. Bis. Ord Intrunit din Sibiu, LA 17/30 Julie 1916 (Sibiu: 1917). Date statistice anuare, pp. 133 and 163.

21. Anuarul Statistic al Romaniei, 1924, pp. 11 and 234.

22. Protocolui, 1916, pp. 139 and 152.

23. Protocolui, 1916, pp. 156-57.

24. Drapelul, September 7, 1912.

25. Ibid.

26 . Protocolui, 1916, pp. 142- 15 1. Raportu l general al consist. mistrop. ca senat scolar.

27. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, p. 114 ff.

28. Biserica si Scoala, 1877, p. 98.

29. Biserica si Scoala, 1879, pp. 50-51.

30. Ibid., 1879, pp. 217-18.

31. "Examinare din limba maghiara," Ibid., 1883, No. 39.


Education and Cultural Development

32. Barna, Romania nemzetisegi politikaja, pp. 62- 64.

33. Revista Bistritei, October 27, 1906, No. 41.

34. "Scoala din Feldru," Revista Bistritei, 1908, No. 70.

35. Revista Bistritei, March 28, 1908.

36. Tribuna, February 10, 1912. see also Jakabffy, op. cit., pp. 96-97.

37. Data in Protocolul, 1916, pp. 152 53 (paragrnphs 3 and 5).

38. "Suma ajutoarelor la salar," 1916, Ibid., p. 153, point 6.

39. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, pp. 118-20.

40. Ibid., pp. 120-23.

41. Tribuna, October 29, 1885, No. 237.

42. Biserica si Scoala, 1877, p. 98.

43. "Foaia pedagogica," Telegraful Roman, 1898, No. 72.

44. "Catre tara romaneasca," Biserica si Scoala, 1878, pp. 406-07.

45. Barna, op. cit., pp. 43-47, based on "Raport asupra proiectului de organizatiune generala a invatamantului public."

46. Kepviselohazi Iromanyok [Parliamentary Documents], 1906-11, No. 442, p. 326.

47. "Unele-altele" in Libertatea, 1902, No. 35; and "Ucazul lui Wlassica," in Libertatea, 1902, No. 27.

48. Magyar Statisztikai Kozlemenyek, Vol. 31, 330.

49. Ion Dariu, Arion, sau culegere de canturi nationale spre intrebuintarea tinerimei de ambe sexe (Brasov, 1881).

50. Ion Dariu, Carte de cantece pentru tinerimea scolara, (Brasov, 1900), 168 VIII. The author outlines the method in the preface to the 1881 edition. He recommends that the teacher explain the text to the children before teaching them the melody. The text of the songs quoted may be found under items 1, 11, 21, 32, and 57. Number 21 is "Vivat Romania," no. 28 "La armata romana," no. 29 "La Romania libera," whereas no 57. is "Sa traiasca."

51. Ion Baila, Trecutul Ardealului," Adevarul, March 16, 1929.

52. Tribuna, 1885, no. 241.

53. Biserica si Scoala, 1893, p. 403.

54. "Din viata reuniunilor ivatatoresti," Libertatea, 1902, No. 31.

55. Both Hungarian and Romanian newspapers of August and September 1906 provide detailed reports on the exhibition. Endre (Barabas) Barna, in his book Magyar tanulsagok a bukaresti kiallitasrol [Lessons for Hungary from the Bucharest Fair] (Kolozsvar,1906), deals with the issue on the basis of the reports in these newpapers, as he does in his other work titled Romania nemzetisegi politikaja [The nationalities policy of Romania] (Kolozsvar, 1908). Our data, comes from the survey of the Romanian press in the latter work.

56. "Un vis," Libertatea, 1906, No. 44.

57. Tara, September 23, 1906, quoted in Barabas, op. cit., p. 168.

58. Miniszteri indokolas. Keptviselohazi Iromanyok [Ministerial Justification. Parliamentary Documents], 1906-11, No. 421, p. 75.

59. Kepuiselohazi Naplo [Parlimentary Journal], Vol. vm, 364-417.

60. Protocolul, 1916, pp. 101-103.

61. Ibid., pp. 105-107.

62. "Mormantul lui Iancu incununat," Libertatea, 1907, No. 37.


Sandor Biro

63. "Juramantul invatatorilor nostri," Ibid. The author of the article (without a doubt one of the teachers who took the oath) refers to the playing of the anthem as "total impertinence."

64. Barna, op. cit., pp. 68 69.

65. "Dreptul limbii romane," Liberatea, 1908, No. 12.

66. "Asa ne bate Dumnezeu," Ibid., No. 14.

67. "0sinda nimicita," Libertatea, 1910, No. 40.

68. Ghibu, Scoala romaneasca, p. 43.

69. Protocolul, pp. 145-46.

70. Ghibu, Anuarul Pedagogic (Sibiu: 1913), p. 166.

71. Ibid., p. 169.

72. "Circulara," Telegraful Roman, August 23-September 10, 1912. In the above circular the holy see placed several issues on the agenda of the convention of the Romanian Orthodox teachers for that year. It included the following instructions for discussing the issue of "The relationship of Romanian to Hungarian in our schools." The former is a language of instruction and a subject, whereas the latter is only a subject. Our schools are not bilingual. The topics pertaining to the Romanian language are not discussed in Hungarian as well. The syllabus of other subjects is to be discussed first in Romanian and in Hungarian only thereafter, during the Hungarian period, in brief abstracts.

73. A Hungarian translation is published in Endre Barabas, Az erdelyi es magyarorezagi roman egyhazak es iskolak elete es szervezete a vilaghaboru elott [The Life and Organization of Romanian Churches and Schools in Transylvania and Hungary before the World War] (Lugos, n.d.), p. 51.

74. "In atentiunea invatatorilor nostri," Telegraful Roman, September 4/17, 1912.

75. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, p. 107.

76. Protocolul, 1916, p. 154.

77. Ibid., p. 162.

78. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, pp. 119-120.

79. "Dusmanii scoalai confesionale din Rodna Veche," Revista Bistritei.

80. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, pp. 116-17.

81. "Corespondenta," Libertatea, 1909, No. 14.

82. "Lauda comunei romanesti Cata," Romanul, May 5-April 22, 1912.

83. Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1912, No. 150.

84. Ghibu, Anuarul Pedagogic, 1913, p. 166, ff.

85. Directive 11.433 of the consistory of the Romanian Orthodox archdiocese of Nagyszeben, dated October 28, 1910. The Hungarian text can be found in Barabas, op. cit., pp. 52-53.

86. "Adunarea generala invatatorilor din jurul Gherlei," Romanul, 1902, No. 229.

87. Ghibu, Scoala romaneasca, p. 67.

88. Ibid.

89. Romanul, August 24, 1913. The Hungarian translation can be found in Jozsef Pap, Epizodok a romansag politikai eletebol [Episodes from the political life of the Romanians] Lugoi, 1932), p. 174.

90. "Pajura ungureasca zvirlita in parau," Libertatea, 1910, No. 8.


Education and Cultural Development

91. "Amintiri," Romanul, June 30, 1912.

92. Ghibu, Scoala romaneasca, pp. 54 67

93. "Apponyi graeste," Libertatea, 1907, No. 41

94. According to M. Gr. Poslusnicu in his Istoria muzicii la romani (Bucharest: 1900), this composition of Porumbescu was called "the anthem of unification." pp. 455-477.

95. "Raprezentatiunea in afacerea cu revizuirea art. de lege XXVII din 1907," Protocolul, 1916, pp. 95-119. It is published with parallel texts in Romanian and Hungarian as proposed in 1915. The Hungarian text is quoted verbatim in Piroska Magyari, A magyarorszagi romanok iskolaugye [The School Issue of the Romanians of Hungary j (Szeged, 1936), pp. 65-74.

96. Lazar Triteanu, Scoala noastra 1850-1916 Zona culturala (Sibiu, 1919) Extensive excerpts are published in Barabas, op cit, pp. 55-57 All our data regarding the cultural zone are from this work.

97. Lui Spiru C. Haret, "Ale tale dintru ale tale." La implinirea celor ani (Bucharest, 1911), pp. 96, 100, 103.

98. Tribuna, 1884, No. 6.

99. Ibid.

100. Ibid., Sptember 29/October 11, 1885, No. 222.

101. Biserica si Scoala, 1891, p. 317.

102. Kepviselohazi Iromanyok, 1887-92. Vol. XXII, document 765, p. 59.

103. "Spargerea scolii de stat din Santindres," Libertatea, 1911, No. 48.

104. "Din Palos," Libertatea, 1913, No. 41.

105. "Din Singeorzul roman," Libertatea, 1907, No. 50.

106. Ibid.

107. "Tradatorii se arata," Libertatea, 1908, No. 37.

108. "Oameni rataciti," Libertatea, 1909, No. 35.

109. "Lucruri slabe," Libertatea, 1911, No. 20.

110. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, pp. 123-24.

111. Drapelul, September 7, 1912. In Jakabffy, op. cit., pp. 131-32.

112. Ghibu, op. cit., pp. 111-114; 132-33.

113. Ibid., p. 167.

114. Dimineata, July 23, 1906. Quoted in Barna, Romania nemzetisegi politikaja, p. 127.

115. Ghibu, Scoala romaneasca, p. 83.

116. "Scoala de mosit in Deva," Libertatea, 1903, No. 30.

117. The data are taken from the reports of various schools in different academic years and from the catalogs listing publications in Hungary.

118. Andrei Barseanu, Istoria scoalelor centrale romane gr.-or. din Brasov, 1902, and Anuarul Liceului Ort. Roman "Andsei Saguna" din Brasov, 1925.

119. Ghibu, Scoala romaneasca, pp. 13648.

120. Biserica si Scoala, 1883, pp. 65-66.

121. Anuarul quoted in Barabas, Az erdelyi es magyarorszagi roman egyhazak es iskolak, pp. 32-38.

122. "O intimpinare," Libertatea, 1906, No. 51.

123. Ghibu, op. cit., p. 80.

124. Slavici, Romanii din Ardeal, p. 80.


Sandor Biro

125. Lupeanu's report on the trip to Bucharest by Baritiu and Cipariu in Cultura Crestina Revista Lunara, January 192S.

126. P. P. Panaitescu, "Planurile lui Ioan Campineanu pentru unitatea nationala romanilor, " Anuarul Institutului de Istorie Nationala (Cluj, 1924-25) Vol. m, 63 106.

127. Ion Slavici, Amintiri (Bucharest, 1924), p. 47.

128. Program'a gimnasiului Sup. Gr. Cat. din Blasiu pe a scol. 1868-69 (Blasiu, 1869). Under the same title in subsequent years.

129. Ibid. In every academic year, including 1875, the title for the two courses was "Geografia Transilvaniei si a tarilor invecinate" and "Istoria Transilvaniei si a tarilor invecinate." "Geography of Hungary" is first mentioned in the academic year 1875/76, but history was taught from handouts even in that year.

130. Puscariu, Rasunetul razboiului, pp. 25-28.

131. "Cronica literara," Libertatea, 1903, No. 5.

132. Biserica si Scoala, 1883, pp. 65-66. :

133. "O epistola," Ibid., p. 116.

134. "Gimnaziul roman gr.-ort. din. Brad," Libertatea, April 12, 1902.

135. Transilvania, Banatul, Crigana si Maramuresul, 1918-1928, Vol. II, 990.

136. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, p. 136.

137. Anuarul Liceniui Ortodox Roman. "Andrei Saguna" din Brasov, 1925, p. XVII. 138. Ibid., p. XVIII .

139. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia, pp. 116-117.

140. Anuarul, p. XVJI.

141. Ibid., p. xvm.

142. Gazeta Transilvaniei, February 5, 1897, No. 18.

143. I. Colan, Casina romana din Brasov, 1835-1935 (Brasov, 1935), p. 106.

144. Tribuna, June 10, 1885, No. 120.

145. Ibid., September 5, 1885, No. 192.

146. "Un frumos tablou," Unirea, October 12, 1912.

147. Libertatea, August 2, 1902, No. 32.

148. Ghibu, Viata si organizatia p. 136; Barabas, op. cit., p. 32.

149. Revista Bistritei, 1908, No. 12.

150. Anuarul, 1925, XCIV.

151. Ibid., pp. XXIV, XXIX, LXIX.

152. Ibid., p. XCCCI.

153. Ibid., pp. XXIV, XXIX, LXIX.

154. Ibid., p. XCCCI.

155. Ibid., p. 43.

156. This description of the exhibition was published in Barabas, Romania nemzetisegi politikaja, pp. 136-137.

157. "Chestiune nationalitatilor," 1885, No. 240.

158. Puscariu, Notite, p. 37.

159. Revista Bistritei, 1908, No. 42.

160. Ghibu, Scoala romaneasca, pp. 78-79.

161. Ibid., p. 84.


Education and Cultural Development

162. Tribuna, February 23, 1912.

163. Tribuna, December 28, 1911. Quoted in Jakabffy, op. cit., pp. 158-159.

164. Dimitrie Gustie and Emanoil Bucuta, eds., Transilvania, Banatul, Crigana si Maramuresul 1918-1929 (Buchareet, 1929), Vol. II, p. 851.

165. Article 70 of Act XXX, 1883.

166. Calindarul poporului Roman pe 1900 (Sibiu), Vol. XV, p. 95.

167. Puscariu, Notite, p. 167.

168. Analele fundatiunii Gozsdu; see also "Ce e romanesc in Budapest," Calindarul Poporului Roman pe 1908, pp. 150-52.

169. Revista Economica, April 12, 1913. Jakabffy, op. cit., pp. 199-200.

170. Societatea Transilvania pentru ajutorul studentilor romani din tarile de peste Carpati.

171. Tribuna, June 1/July 1, 1885, No. 138.

172. Slavici, Lumea prin care am trecut, p. 75.

173. Tribuna, February 23, 1912, and the church summaries of the Uniate Church.

174. Eusebiu Rosca, Monografa Institutului seminarial teologic-pedagogic. "Andreian," (Sibiu, 1911), pp. 249-51.

175. Observatorul Social-Economic (1931), p. 322.

176. Slavici, Admintiri, p. 115.

177. Tribuna, 1884, No. 15.

178. Ibid., No. 13.

179. "Apologie," Tribuna, 1884, No. lS-17.

180. These protest demonstrations were reported in No.17-20 of the Tribuna, 1884.

181. Dr. Aurel Maniu, "Memorandistii," Cuvantul, May 16, 1929.

182. Article by under-secretary Ghita Pop in Adevarul, March 15, 1932.

183. "Au romainii drept sa vorbeasca romaneste la universitatea din Cluj?', Libertatea, 1911, No. 16.

184. Ion Lupas, Contributiuni la istoria ziaristicei romanesti ardelene (Sibiu, 1926), p. 20.

185. Ghibu, Scoala romaneasca, p. 89.

186. Dezso Albrecht, "A roman diakmozgalmak tortenete" [The History of Romanian Student Movements], Magyar Kisebbseg, No. 8, January 16, 1929.

187. Jakabffy, Adatok, pp. 132-34.

188. Romanul, April 12, 1913. Quoted in Jakabffy, Adatok, pp. 198-99.

189. Ibid.

190. "O chestiune de principiu" in the Foita column of the Tribuna 1887, No. 65.

191. "Romanii din Basarabia," Tribuna, February 29, 1912; Romanul, 1912, No. 233; "Pilda Polonilor," Libertatea, 1906, No. 47.

192. "Germanizarea scolilor primare din Bucovina," Romanul, October 18, 1912.

193. Silvestru Moldovan and N. Togan, Dictionarul numirilor de localitati cu propratiune romana din Ungaria (Sibiu, 1909).

194. "Prelegerile economice," Libertatea, 1906, No. 21.

195. Jakabffy, op. cit., pp. 163-73.


Sandor Biro

196. Calindarul poporului pe 1900, p. 106.

197. "Economie," Gazeta Transilvaniei, October 18, 1912.

198. "Singurul adevar," Libertatea, 1910, No. 39.

199. Serbarile dela Blaj 1911 (Blaj), p. 422.

200. "Scrisoare din Bicaz," Romanul, March 16, 1912, No. 51.

201. Foaia Noastra, September 27, 1936, quoted in Zoltan Toth, Az 'Astra' romanosito tevekenysege a Szekelyfoldon [The Romanianizing Activities of Astra in the Land of the Szekelys] (Kolozsvar, 1942), p. 9.

202. Ion Colan, Casina romana din Brasov 1835-1935 (Brasov, 1935), pp. 106- 09, 162.

203. Ion Breazu, Matei Millo in Transilvania si Banat 1870, in, Fratilor Alexandru and Ion I. Lapedatu, La implinirea varstei de 60. ani (Bucharest, 1936), p. 202.

204. Slavici, Romanii din Ardeal, p. 63.

205. "Barsan oprit ei iarasi ingaduit," Libertatea, 1908, No. 8.

206. "Teatrul Romanesc al fruntasilor artisti din Bucuresti pe la noi," Libertatea, 1913, No. 46; and the Calindarul poporului pe 1914, p. 88

207. Breazu, op. cit., p. 199.

208. Calindarul poporului pe 1914, p. 122.

209. Ibid., 1907, p. 113.

210. This evolution of the Romanian press has been summarized in Sandor Biro, A Tribuna es a Magyarorszagi roman kozvelemeny.

211. Aurora, March 2, 1923.

212. Ion Breazu, "Literatura Tribunei," in, Dacoromania VIII, 1934/35, p. 31.

213. Romanul, February 18, 1912.

214. "Zece ani," Libertatea, 1912, No. 1.

215. Barna, op. cit., pp. 17-18. Data regarding the schools are to be found on pages 47-50.

216. "Starea sociala a romanilor basarabeni," Romanul, October 30, 1912.

217. Adevarul, December 10, 1912. Quoted in Jakabffy, A romanok hazankban es a roman kiralysagban, pp. 10-11.

218. "Perepectivele razboiului Austro-Rus si Romania," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1913, No. 9 and 10.

219. Romanul, November 3, 1912, No. 233.

220. Universul, January 11, 1913. Jakabffy, Adatok, pp. 181-82.

221. Romanii din Serbia," Gazeta Transilvaniei, January 16, 1913.

Chapter V.

1. Puscariu, Notite, p. 167.

2. Tribuna, September Z6, 1884, No. 122.

3. Ibid, No. 263, November 28, 1885.

4. Ibid, No. 295, January 9, 1885.

5. Slavici, Inchisorile mele, (Bucharest: 1921), p. 362.

6. Ibid, p. 53.

7. Ibid, pp. 39-55.

8. Tiron Albani, Leul dela Sisesti. De ce s'a prabusit Monarchia Austro- Ungara. (Oradea, 1936), pp. 161-162.

9. "Osande noua," Telegraful Roman, 1899, No. 2.

10. "Osandit," Libertatea, 1903, No. 29.

11. "Inca unul," Libertatea, 1909, No. 33.

12. "Un an pentru un vers," Ibid, 1905, No. 9.

13. Procesul de presa al ziarului Foaia Poporului (Sibiu, 18941, p. 4.

14. Tribuna December 31, 1884, No. 199.

15. "Terorisare," Libertatea, January 1, 1902.

16. "Revolutia din Panc," Ibid, 1902, No. 31.

17. "Alegerea, dela Hunedoara," Ibid, 1905, No. 50.

18. "Ravas negru," Ibid, 1909, No. 9.

19. "Papase ori slujitori Mommonei?", Ibid, 1911, No. 49.

20. "Valea Iepii", Ibid, 1910, No. 29.

21. "In loc de numar la casa," Calindarul Poporului pe, 1907, p. 49.

22. "Fotografii originale," Calindarul Poporului roman, 1903, Budapest, pp. 176-177.

23. Papp, Epizodok, p. 52. The expression cine mintye ["tine minte"] means "one who harbors a grudge," but literally it means "keeps in mind."


24. "Ce sunt Ungurii?" Romanul, March 167 1912.

25. Tribuna, early February 1911; Papp, Epizodok, pp. 104-105

26. Calindarul Poporului pe, 1912, p. 188.

27. .'Berzeviti," Libertatea, 1904, No. 15.

28. Romanul, January 31, 1913.

29. Calindarul Poporului pe, 1907.

30. In his toast at Kisenyed on September 22,1907, Miron Cristea, the Bishop of Karansebes, referred to the Romanian people as "His Majesty."

31. Foaia Poporului, April 7, 1912, quoted in Jakabffy, Adatok, p. 114.

32. Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1902, No. 22.

33. Ibid

34. "In atentiunea d-lui Grigore Tocilescu si unor usor crezatori Ungurilor," Foaia Poporului, 1902, No. 31.

35. "Cronoligea nationala," Calindarul Poporului pe, 1914.

36. Revista Orastiei, 1896, No. 40.

37. Tribuna, April 21, 1884, No. 6.

38. "Campia Libertatii," Libertatea, 1902, No. 21.

39. Ibid, 1903, No. 39.

40. Tribuna, June 10, 1886, No. 120.

41. Ibid., September 5, 1886, No. 192.

42. Lucaciu, Vasile: Biserica Sfintei Uniri a tuturor romanilor, adca Man. Maicei Romanilor din Sisesti, (Baia Mare, 1891). Quoted in A. Iuga, Cu privire la Vasile Lucaciu. Acte, documente procese (Baia Mare, n.d.), pp. 68-63. The phrases quoted from the consecration speech are found in Albani, Leul dela Sisesti, p. 25. According to Albani, the Romanian bishop of Szamosujvar did object to Lucaciu's irredentist speech because he feared that such a speech could not remain a secret. The bishop said: "We are lucky that he placed quotation marks around the expression 'the union of all Romanians.' Without that I would be forced to suspend Lucaciu for compromising the church."

43. "Dela Petrosani," Libertatea, 1904, No. 22.

44. "Un vis," Libertatea, 1906, No. 44.

45. "Amintiri de la o petrecere," Libertatea, 1909, No. 22.

46. "Dupa coroana de otel-coroana de argint," Libertatea, 1913, No. 30.

47. Tribuna, November 21, 1911; Jakabffy, Adatok, p. 84.

48. "Barbarie moderna," Libertatea, No. 36, 1906.

49. "Ceva despre Ardealul romanesc," Revista Bistritei, 1906, Nos.43 and 47.

50. Serbarile, op. cit, p. 101.

51. "D. Prof. Iorga," Libertatea, 1909, No. 24.

52. "Badaranii maghiare," Libertatea, 1913, No. 46.

53. "Dreptul de intrunire," Calindarul Poporului Roman, p. 142.

54. "Iesire din impas," Libertatea, 1902, No. 10.

55. "Veselia poporului," Libertatea, 1906, No. 20.

56. Revista Bistritei, 1908, No. 43.

57. "Folosul adunarilor poporale," Libertatea, 1908, No. 35.

58. "Mareata adunare dela Orastie," Libertatea, 1910.

59. Serbarile, op. cit. , p. 12.

60. "Din ale politicei," Gazeta Taranilor, June 2, 1912, No. 22.


61. "Az erdelyi romanok temesvari naggyulese" [The Pienaly Meeting of the Romanians of Transylvania at Temesvar] Krassoszorenyi Lapok, April 26, 1923.

62. Patria, April 15, 1920.

63. Puscariu, Notite, p. 19.

64. 'Tricolorul," Libertatea, 1907, No. 31.

65. "Primirea deputatului Orastie," Libertatea, 1903, No. 22.

66. "Noutati," Libertatea, 1903, No. 12.

67. Romanul, August 6, 1911; Jakabffy, op. cit. , p. 71.

68. "Tricolorul," Libertatea, 1911, No. 29.

69. Serbarile, op. cit. , pp. 250-251.

70. Poslusnicu, op. cit. , p. 406.

71. Serbarile, op. cit. , p. 74.

72. Gazeta Transilvaniei, January 23, 1912, No. 6.

73. Silvestru Moldovan, Zarandul si Muntii Apuseni ai Transilvaniei (Sibiu, 1928), p. 28.

74. "Procesul Novacovici," Libertatea, 1902, No. 17.

75. "Noutati" and "Pelegrinagiul la Cebea," Libertatea, 1902, Nos. 28, 29.

76. Tribuna, May 20, 1884.

77. Tribuna, May 9, 1885, No. 102.

78. Calindarul Poporului pe, 1900, p. 102.

79. Pacatian, Cartea de aur, Vol. VS 6247.

80. "Curentul nou," Libertatea, 1902, Nos. 22 and 23.

81. "Verificarea listelor electorale," Libertatea, 1902, No. 22.

82. Libertatea, 1903, No. 20, 21, 22.

83. "Chestiunea 'Carului inglodat,'" Libertatea, April 19, 1902, No. 17.

84. "Programele noastre," Libertatea, 1903, Nos. 31, 32.

85. "O frumoasa biruinta," Libertatea, 1906, No. 2.

86. "Noutati," Libertatea, 1905, No. 29.

87. "Lista cercului Orastie," Libertatea, 1905, No. 53.

88. "Asa intelegem noi 'activitatea'," Libertatea, 1906, No. 3.

89. "Notarii pedepsiti," Libertatea, 1905, No. 37.

90. "Alegeri 'libere'," Libertatea, 1906, No. 21.

91. "Din Ighiu," Libertatea, 1906, No. 19.

92. "Trupuri," Libertatea, 1907, No. 10.

93. "Din comitatul Sibiului," Telegraful Roman, 1898, No. 102.

94. Libertatea, 1909, No. 15.

95. "Generatia unirii," Revista Politica Sociala, 1929, No. 3.

96. Tribuna, May 29, 1884, No. 27.

97. "Bjornson si romanii," Libertatea, 1908, No. 1.

98. "Destainuirile ardelenilor," Adevarul, August 8, 1922.

99. Luceafarul, 1914, No. 4.

100. Iuga, op. cit. , pp. 90-93. A summary of the trial and a Romanian translation of the justification.

101. Adevarul, November 11,1923. Quoted in Ion Rusu Abrudeanu, Pacatele Ardealului fata de sufletul vechiului Regat, (Bucharest, 19301 p. 485.

102. I. R. Abrudeanu, op. cit. , p. 524.

103. "Calatorind prin Ardeal," Timpul, April 13, 1923.


104. Adevarul, October 18, 19l1, quoted in Jakabffy, op. cit. , p. 768.

105. Ibid, December 10, 1912; Jakabffy, op. cit. , p. 11.

106. Universul, November 22, 1922.

107. Adevarul, November 22, 1922.

108. Lorant Hegedus, A szekelyek kivandlorlasa Romaniaba [The emigration of the Szekelys to Romania], pp. 39-40, quoted by Barna, op. cit. , pp. 153-154.

109. Pagini despre Basarabia de astazi de N. Iorga (Valeni de Munte), 1909, 1912, p. 9

110. Ibid, p. 20.

111. Ibid., pp. 46-47.

112. Ibid, p. 25.

113. N. Iorga, Les Hongrois et la nasionalite roumaine en 1909 (Valeni de Munte, 1909), pp. 27-28.

114. Ibid, p. 44. Iorga comments on the order of expulsion as follows: "Donc, il existe cette theorie de droit international a savoir qu'un etat a le droit d'interdire l'acces de son territoire a quiconque s'est permis d'emettre des idees hostile a ses interets." Ibid

115. N. Iorga, Histoire des roumains de la peninsule des Balkans (Bucharest, 1919), p. S7.

116. Salbatacie germana, Romanul, September 15,1912.

117. "Jandarmii,'' Telegraful Roman, 1898, No. 90.

118. "Perzecutarea tricolorului," Romanul, September 19, 1912.

Chapter VI.

l."Unele - altele," Libertatea, 1907, No. 19.

2. Gazeta Transilvaniei, May 20, 1911.

3. "Comunicatul comitetului national," Gazeta Transilvaniei, 1913, No. 38.


Chapter I.

1. Vintila I. C. Bratianu, Viata si opera lui Vintila I. C. Bratianu vazute de prietenii si soloboratorii sai, (Bucharest, 1936).

2. Ibid , p. 646.

3. Ibid p. 646.

4. Ibid, p. 646.

5. Ibid, p. 685.

6. Ion Clopotel, Revolutia din 1918 si unirea Ardealului cu Romania, (Cluj, 1926), pp. 121-123.

7. Ministerul Agricultura i si Domeniilor, L'agriculture en Romanie: album statistique, publie a l'occasion du XIVe Congres International d'Agriculture, (Bucharest, 1929), p. 71.

8. Iorga, Istoria romanilor, Vol. X, 305.

9. Jozsef Venczel, Az erdelyi roman foldbirtokreform [The Romanian Land Reform in Transylvania], (Cluj, 1942), p. 29.

10. Constantin Garoflid, Chestia agraria in Romania, p. 218.

11. Venezel, op. cit., p. 59.

12. Petre Suciu, Proprietatea agrara in Ardeal, (Cluj, 1931), pp. 84-87, and Venezel, op. cit., 38 ff.

13. Venczel, op. cit., p. 38.

14. Ibid, p. 40.


15. Bataria's Statement, in Monitorul Official, 1921, Numbere 69-73.

16. Venczel, op. cit., p. 59.

17. Dimineata 1927 Vol. IX (1927), Number 28.

18. The details of the process of collecting data in Northern Transylvania are summarized in the excellent work by Venczel cited above.

19. Gabor Pal, "A szekelyfoldi kozbirtokok es az agrar reform"[The Commonwealths of the Szekely Region and the Land Reform], in Magyar Kisebbseg [Hungarian Minority], Vol. 2 (1923), Numbers 1 and 2.

20. Ibid, p. 226.

21. Ibid, p. 226.

22. Magyar Kisebbseg 1932, Number 11, p. 161.

23. Ibid, 1936, Number 15, p. 359.

24. Ibid, p. 373.

25. Ibid, p. 374.

26. Journal Officiel, 1932, Number 1740. Quoted in Arthur Balogh, L'action de la Societe des Nations en matiere de protection des minorites, (Paris, 1937), p. 163.

27. Ibid

28. Data from the Enciclopedia Romaniei, Vol. m, pp. 145-154, combined with other pertinent data from Romanian sources; Venczel, op. cit., p. 56.

29. Venczel, op. cit., p. 56.

30. Zoltan Szoverdi, "Milyen az erdelyi agrarreform a valosagban?" [What is the Land Reform in Transylvania Really Like?], Magyar Szemle, April 1928.

31. Monitorul Oficial, July 4, 1924, Number 143.

32. Monitorul Oficial, December 14,1927, Number 276, quoted in Lajos Nagy, A kisebbsegek alkotmanyjogi helyzete Nagy Romaniaban. [The Constitutional Law. and the Minorities in Greater Romania], (Kolozsvar, 1944), p. 159.

33. "Lege pentru creara zonelor militare," Monitorul Oficial, December 16, 1938, Number 293. Quoted in Nagy, p. 159.

34. Monitorul Oficial, Number 268, November 18, 1939. Quoted in Nagy, p. 160.

35. Ioan Fruma, Problema Unilversitatii sasesti si a institutiei celor sapte juzi, Sibiu, 1935, p. 105. Nagy, op. cit., p. 161.

36. "Lege pentru lichidarea datoriilor agricole si urbane," Monitorul Oficial, April 7, 1934, Number 83, p. 162.

37. Monitorul Oficial, July 1, 1924, Number 140, and November 4, 1937, Number 245. Quoted in Nagy, op. cit., p. 163.

38. Quoted in Andras Ajtay, "A kulturzona," Magyar Kisebbseg, 1924, Number 3, pp. 615-619.

39. Transillvania, Banatul, Crisana, Maramuresul, Vol. I (1918-1928), 313.

40. Victor Jinga, "Migratiunile demogratice si problema colonizarilor in Romania," Analele Academiei de Inalte Studii Comerciale si Industriale din Cluj (Cluj, 1940), p.38.

41. "Genfi hatas a Zam-Sancrai kozbirtokossag ugyeben" [`The Impact of Geneva in the Affair of the Commonwealth of Zam-Sancrai], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1936, Number 15, pp. 339-41, Venczel, op. cit., p. 132.


Biro Sandor

42. Lajos Nagy, A kisebbsegek alkotmanyjogi helyzete Nagy-Romaniaban. [The Constitutional Law and the Minorities in Greater Romania], (Kolozsvar, 1944), p. 161.

43. Elemer Gyarfas, "Gyarfas Elemer interpellacioja," Magyar Kisebbseg, 1936, Number 15, pp. 195-196.

44. Laszlo Fritz, "Romania egyenesadorendszere, mint a kisebbsegellenes politika egyik harci eszkoze", [Romania's Direct Tax System as a Weapon in its Anti-minority Policies], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1928, Number 7, pp. 437-443.

45. Statistica Impozitelor Directe (Bucharest, 1926-1927), pp. 620-621. Described in Nagy, op. cit., p. 203.

46. Mihaly Fekete Nagy, Carpatrost 1935, hivatalos roman adatok alapjan [Carpatrost 1935, on the Basis of Official Romanian Data].

47. Calendarul de la Blaj, pe 1938.

48. Az unitarius fotanacs 1935-i jegyzokonyve [The Minutes of the Supreme Council of the Unitarian Church in 1935] (Cluj, 1935).

49. Monitorul Oficial, January 23, 1940. Quoted in Nagy, op. cit., p. 107.

50. Dezbatarile Senatului 1924, p. 1453.

51. Gazeta Ciacului, November 15, 1936.

52. Silviu Dragomir, La Transylvanie roumaine et ses minorites ethniques, (Bucharest, 1934), p. 58.

53. Istvan Rugonfalvi Kiss, "Csik szek leirasa" [The description of the Ciuc region], in, Istvan Rugonfalvi Kiss, ed., A nemes szekely nemzet kepe [A portrait of the noble Szekely nation], Vol. II, pp. 209-263; the above data are found in Venezel, op. cit., pp. 250-252.

54. Op. cit., Vol. II, pp. 158-160.

55. Gheorghe Dragos, Cooperatia in Ardeal Istorie situatia actuala - perspective (Bucharest, 1933), p. 188.

56. Jozsef Gyorgy Oberding, "A magyar szovetkezetek jogi helyzete Romaniaban" [The Legal Status of Hungarian Cooperatives in Romania], Magyar Kisebbseg 1939, p. 189; furthermore Monitorul Oficial, June 23, 1938, Number 141 and January 20, 1939, Number 17.

57. Elemer Gyarfas, "Az ingatlan-forgalom ujabb korlatozasa" [Further Restriction on Real Estate Transactions], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1937, Number 16, pp. 196-201.

58. Dezbatarile Deputatiilor, 1925, pp. 1383-1407; Szasz, p. 106.

59. Ibid

60. Ibid

61. Statistica Anuala a Romaniei, 1924, Vol. VII; Szasz, p. 51.

62. Magyar Szocialdemokrata Part, Az erdelyi romansag kuzdelme a roman uralom alatt [The Struggle of the Romanians of Transylvania under Romanian Rule], (Budapest, 1942), p. 96; Imre Miko, "Az erdelyi magyarsag sorsa a vilaghaboru utan" [The Fate of Hungarians after the World War], in Jozsef Deer and Laszlo Galdi, Magyarok es Romanok [Hungarians and Romanians], (Budapest, 1944), Vol. II, pp. 242-244.

63. "Lege pentru utilizaera personal ului romanese si interprinderi," Monitorul Oficial, July 16, 1934.


64. C. Moteanu, Oprima etapa in politica de naitonalizare a vietii economice (Bucharest, no date), p. 21.

65. Nagy, op. cit., p. 166.

66. Statistica Impozitelor Directe pe anii 1925 si 1926; Fritz, op. cit., p. 440.

67. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1930, Number 9, pp. 412-414, 463-464.

68. Rugonfalvi Kiss, op. cit., pp. 158, 205-206.

69. Anuarul Statistic al Romaniei, 1937 si 1938; Nagy, op. cit., p. 204.

70. "Lege pentru infiintarea Institului National de Credit al Meseriasilor," Monitorul Oficial, June 23, 1923, Number 64, April 5, 1937, Number 79, May 4, 1939, Number 192; Nagy, op. cit., pp. 169-170.

71. Miko, op. cit., p. 244.

72. "Lege pentru pregatirea profesionala si exersiarea meseriilor," Monitorul Oficial, April 30, 1936, Number 99; Nagy, op. cit., p. 132.

73. Monitorul Oficial, June 26, 1923, Number 66; Nagy, op. cit., p. 204.

74. Patria, December 21, 1920.

75. La lutte contre l'absolutisme en Roumanie (Bucharest, 1923).

76. Elemer Gyarfas, "A kisebbsegi bankok es a Banca Nationala" [Minority Banks and the Banca Nationala], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1925, pp. 530-532.

77. Elemer Gyarfas, "A penzintezetek kinos kerdese" [The difficult issue of the financial institutions], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1927, p. 475-477.

78. Temesvarer Zeitung, January 1, 1925.

79. "Lege pentru lichidarea datoriilor agricole si urbane," Article 62, Monitorul Oficial, April 7, 1934, Number 83; Nagy, op. cit., p. 163.

80. Venezel, op. cit., p. 55.

81. Petre Suciu, Judetul Turda Schita monografica, n.p., n.d., p. 19.

82. Brassoi Lapok, April 10, 1930.

83. These data appear, on the basis of official Romanian statistics, in Zoltan Szoverdi, "Milyen az erdelyi agrarreform a valosagban" [What is the Transylvanian Land-reform Really Like?], Magyar Szemle, 1928, April, p. 345.

84. Keleti Ujsag, 1924, Number 168.

85. Romania, December 11, 1925.

86. Patria, Number 114, 1930.

87. Ibid, April 15, 1920.

88. "Chronologia, 1920. jun. 27" [Chronology, June 27, 1920], in Erdelyi Magyar Evkonyv [Hungarian Yearbook of Transylvania], eds, Istvan Sulyok and Laszlo Fritz (Kolozsvar, 1930), p.241; G. Sorban, Administratia Ardealului, (Dej, 1921).

89. American Unitarian Association Commission on Transylvania, Transylvania under the Rule of Roumania, Report of the American Unitarian Commission (Boston, 1921) p. 5, quoted by Zsombor Szasz, Erdely Romaniaban [Transylvania a part of Romania] (Budapest, 1927), pp. 60-61.

90. Luptatorul, October 27, 1921 , quoted in Szasz, op. cit, p. 62.

91. Dr. Ludovic Ciato, Problema minoritara in Romania-Mare, Cluj, 1926, p. 5.

92. "Erdely az erdelyieke, Banat a banatiake" [Transylvania to the Transylvanians, the Banat to Those of Banat], Brassoi Lapok, October 16, 1922.

93. Sulyok and Fritz, eds., op. cit., p. 2.


Biro Sandor

94. Dragomir, op. cit., p. 71.

95. Monitorul Oficial, Number 31, 1924.

96. Miko, op. cit., p. 246, on the basis of statistics from 1930.

97. Pandectele Romane, Vol. XV, March 1936, p. 50, quoted in Nagy, op. cit., p. 188.

98. Lumea Noua, March 1935.

99. Agenda si Anuarul magistraturii si Baroului, 1936, Bucharest; Nagy, op. cit., p. 199.

100. Bela Urmosi-Maurer, Kisebbsegi kerdesek [Minority Issues] (Cluj, 1937), p. 59.

101. On the basis of the 1938 volume of the Monitorul Oficial; Nagy, op. cit., p. 194.

102. Nagy, op. cit., p. 195, based on the issues of the Monitorul Oficial containing the appointment decrees.

103. Ibid, p. 199.

104. Urmosi-Maurer, op. cit., p. 53.

105. Ibid., p. 30.

106. Enciclopedia Romaniei, Vol. I, p. 360.

107. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1937, p. 299.

108. Monitorul Oficial, March 16, 1938.

109. The information in Calendarul Justitiei pe anul 1937, published in Cluj is analyzed in Arpad Kovacs, "Etnikai aranytalansag a kozjegyzoi kamarakban" [Lack of Balance in Ethnic Representation in the Chambers of Notaries], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1937, pp. 157-159.

110. Urmosi-Maurer, op. cit., p. 71.

Chapter II.

1. Ion Clopotel op. cit., p. 32.

2. Zoltan Baranyai, A kisebbsegi jogok vedelme [The Defense of Minority Rights] (Budapest, 1922), pp. 58-91.

3. Sulyok and Fritz, op. cit., pp. 242-245.

4. Desbat Dept. 1924-25, p. 3243, quoted in Szasz, op. cit., pp. 76-77.

5. Institutul Social Roman, Politica externa a Romaniei problema minoritatilor (Bucharest, 1925).

6. Adeverul, November 13, 1925, quoted in Szasz, op. cit., p. 77.

7. Elemer Jakabffy, "Dobrescu nyelvrendeletehez" [Comments on Dobrescu's Directive Regarding Language], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1930, p. 274. Contains the integral text of the directive.

8. "A bihari uj szellem" [The New Spirit from Bihar], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1931, p. 575.

9. Paragraphs 136 and 167 of the Administrative Act of 1936.

10. Deer and Galdi, op. cit., Vol. II, 228.

11. Sulyok and Fritz, eds., op. cit., p. 251.

12. Nagy, op. cit., p. 112, reprints the pertinent passage from the directive of the Army Corps.

13. Szasz, op. cit., pp. 66-67.

14. Nagy, op. cit., p. 115, point 43.

15. "Level Silviu Bardeshez" [Letter to Silviu Bardes], Ellenzek, May 5, 1935.

16. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1936, pp. 601-604.

17. Ibid, 1937, p. 19.

18. Ibid, p. 20.

19. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1937, pp. 161-162.

20. Nagy, op. cit., p. 116.

21. American Unitarian Association, op. cit., p. 61; Szasz, op. cit., pp. 66 67.

22. "Denumirile . . .si firmile se fac numai in limba romana," Monitorul Oficial, February 18, 1937, Number 40.


The Use of Hungarian in the Romanian State

23. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1938, pp. 6243.

24. Nagy, op. cit., p. 112 if.

25. Ibid, p. 115.

26. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1927, pp. 1289-1292.

27. The decree is printed verbatim in Magyar Kisebbseg, 1936, pp. 295-296.

Chapter III.

1. Recensamantul general al populatiei Romaniei din 29 Decemvrie 1930. (Bucharest, 1938-1941). II K. I..C. XLIII, p. 780.

2. The minutes of the special assemblies of the Reformed Church District of Oradea, Bucea and vicinity held on April 12, 1940. Oradea, 1941, pp. 6-7.

3. Schonere Zukunft, Vienna, April 8, 1928, quoted in Benedek Jancso, "A katolikus egyhaz helyzete Romaniaban" [The situation of the Catholic Church in Romania], Magyar Szemle, Vol. 25, 1928, p. 59

4. Onisifor Ghibu, Necesitatea revizuirii radicale a situatiei confesianilor din Transilvania, (Cluj, 1923).

5. "Lege pentru regimul general ca 1 Curtelor," Monitorul Oficial, April 22, 1928.


6. Janos Scheffler, "Az 'Erdelyi Katolikus Status' kuzdelmes 20 eve" [The Turbulent Twenty Years of the Catholic Status of Transylvania], A Magyar Szemle, May 1941. pp. 299-310. This article provides a detailed account of the campaign against the Status. Dolci's declaration found in the same place.

7. Onisifor Ghibu, Un anachronism si o sfidare: Statul roman-catolic ardelean, (Cluj, 1931), p. 466.

8. The decision of the court of Cluj under 51-1932, and that of Sibiu can be found under 2065-1931. See Onisifor Ghibu, Politica religioasa si minoritara a Romaniei, (Cluj, 1940), p. 1.

9. Scheffler, op. cit., pp. 299-310.

10. Valer Pop, Acordul dela Roma, Cluj, 1934. "Egala indreptatire si deplina libertate autonoma confesionala pentru toate confesiunile din stat."

11. Article 22 of the Constitution of 1923. The Romanian text i6 printed in Nagy, op. cit., pp. 226-28.

12. Report from the bishop of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania in 1928.

13. Sulyok and Fritz, eds., op. cit., p. 72.

14. Venezel, op. cit., p. 134.

15. American Unitarian Association. Commission on Transylvania The Religious Minorities in Transylvania (Boston, 1924); for Hungarian text, see Magyar Kisebbseg, Vol. 4, 1925. p. 381-390.

16. Ibid.

17. Personal data.

18. Monitorul Oficial, April 9, 1936, and Magyar Kisebbseg, 1936, pp. 258 59. Undoing the land reform in the case of the Uniate Church.

19. All these laws are listed in Nagy, op. cit., p. 106.

20. Declaration by member of parliament Ferenc Laar in the Bukaresti Magyar Tudosito [The Hungarian Bulletin of Bucharest] in 1934. See Urmosi- Maurer, op. cit., p. 80. Moreover Laar's speech in the Romanian parliament is printed in Magyar Kisebbseg 1934, pp. 350-51.

21. The report from the Presiding Council of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania covering the period November 1, 1933 to November 1, 1935, p. 4.

22. Report from the Presiding Council of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania, 1933-35, p. 8.

23. American Unitarian Association, op. cit., p. 11.

24. Sulyok and Fritz, eds., op. cit., p. 34.

25. American Unitarian Association, Religious minorities.

26. Report from the Presiding Council of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania, 1926, p. 72.

27. Louis C. Cornish, ed., Romania Ten Years After (Boston, 1929).

28. "Congresural cultural a Artei," Transylvania, 1930.

29. Report from the Main Council of the Unitarians, 1934.

30. All data originate with clergymen from the Sylvan Region who have communicated these to the author, orally or in writing, in 1938.

31. Minutes of the meeting of the general assembly of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania, in 1935. pp. 46-47.


32. All data come from the minutes of the Main Ecclesiastic Council of the Unitarians in 1935.

33. Report of the Presiding Council in 1935-37. The case of Bogdan i6 discussed in detail in the minutes of the church district of the Sylvan Region a6 well.

34. "Hova vezetnek a kiteresek?" [Where do the Conversions Lead?], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1936, p. 395.

35. Report from the Presiding Council, 1937. Cluj, 1937.

36. Report from the Presiding Council, 1937-39. Cluj, 1939.

37. Ibid.

38. On the basis of data from leaders of the Reformed Church.

39. Secretarial Report in the Catholic periodical A Nap, July 1941.

Chapter IV.

1. Dezbatarile Senatului, N. 85/1925, p. 1911.

2. Transilvania Banatul, etc. Vol. II, p. 112 Ordinance 15.673-1919 of September 29, 1919.

3. Patria, July 3, 1920.

4. "Noul an scolar," Patria, October 10, 1920.

5. Octavian Prie, "Prea multe scoli unguresti in Ardeal," tara Noastra, November 16, 1923. Also in the September 11, 1923 issue of this periodical.

6. The annual report of the Presidential Council of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania for 1923, under numbers 9314-1923 published in number 374-1924, 4091-1924, and 4492-1925 of the official publication of the church district, in Cluj, 1925. The ordinance regarding the closing of the schools in the county of Trei-Scaune is also reprinted here verbatim.

7. Brassoi Lapok, September 29, 1924.

8. The minutes of the general assembly of the Council of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Alba Iulia in 1936, p. 32.

9. According to evidence collected on site.

10. The first episodes of the Borcsa affair are published in Magyar Kisebbseg, 1934., pp. 310-312.

11. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1935, p. 435.

12. The annual report of the Presidential Council of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania for 1937, pp. 72-73.

13. Nagy, op. cit., pp. 70-71.

14. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1938, pp. 447-448.

15. The justification of the sentence is reprinted in the work of Nagy, op. cit., p. 72.


16. All data are from the official ecclesiastic publications: the Status published by the Presidential Council of the Reformed Church District, and the reports of the Council of the Diocese of Alba Iulia and of the Chief Council of the Unitarians.

17. Miklos Boloni and Karoly Urmosi, Kisebbsegi Jogelet [Minority Rights], 1937, p. 33 ff, regarding the 14%, subsidy to schools and the Hungarian denominational school.

18. Minutes of the assembly of the Reformed District of Transylvania held at Cluj on November 23 25, 1923. Cluj, 1925.

19. Laszlo Fritz, "Az erdelyi roman kulturzona ugye a Nepszovetseg elott" [The Issue of the Romanian Cultural Zone of Transylvania before the League of Nations], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1932, p. 348 ff.

20. Dragomir, op. cit., p. 169.

21. The Hungarian text of the speech was printed in Magyar Kisebbseg, 1937, pp. 107-108.

22. Adevarul, May 27, 1925.

23. Speech in parliament on December 7, 1925.

24. Adevarul, March 1926.

25. All quotes are from "Observations du gouvernement roumain, etc.," Geneve, December 3, 1925, No. 41/49.067/1481.

26. Dezabatarile Deputatiilor, 1923-1924, Number 110, p. 3057.

27. Ghibu, Extras din revista generale, p. 107.

28. Triteanu, op. cit.

29. Endre Barabas, A romaniai magyar nyelvu oktatas elso tiz eve. 1918-1929. [The First Decade of Instruction in Romania] (Lugoj, 1929), p. 24.

30. Endre Barabas was the one who pointed out to the Hungarian public the devices used by Anghelescu to mislead the League of Nations in "Az Apponyi fele torveny, a Nepszovetseg es a Romaniai Magyar Kisebbseg," [The Apponyi Laws, the League of Nations and the Hungarian Minority of Romania] Kulugyi Szemle [Review of Foreign Affairs], 1931, Vol. vm, No. 3, and in reprint.

31. Journal Officiel, League of Nations, 1929, pp. 741-742.

32. The report of the Presidential Council of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania, from November 1, 1933, to November 1, 1935.

33. Report of the Presidential Council of the Church District from 1937 to 1939, pp. 76-77.

34. Personal communication by the Reverend from Ghindori.

35. Estimate based on the reports of the Church District.

36. George Tulbure, "Aspecte din politica scolara," Tara Barsei reuista literara, 1933, p. 203.

37. Ibid.

38. Collection of data by Arpad Kiss in Magyar Kisebbseg, 1936, p. 205 and 1937, p. 419.

39. Nagy, op. cit., p. 125.

40. Dezbutarile Deputatiilor, 1924, pp. 34-41.

41. According to data collected on site.

42. I received 811 this information directly from the local residents in the communities.


43. For instance at Praid in the county of Odorhei, at Corund in the same county, and elsewhere.

44. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1934, p. 471.

45. Dare de seama asupra invatamantului primar din judetul Mures-Turda pe anul scolar 1924-25 (Tirgu Mures, 1926), pp. 26-27.

46. Nagyvarad, November 16, 1926.

47. Ibid, March 19, 1927.

48. Keleti Ujsag, May 19, 1927.

49. American Committee on the Rights of Religious Minorities, Cornish, ed., op. cit.

50. Keleti Ujsag, February 1, 1929, p. 2.

Chapter V.

1. These data were, collected by Endre Barabas, deceased in 1946, the true expert on the issue of Hungarian schools in Romania, on the basis of Hungarian school yearbooks: "A magyar iskolaugy helyzete Romaniaban 1918-1940" [The Issue of Hungarian Schools in Romania from 1918 to 1940], in, Kisebbsegi Korlevel [Minority Circular], Vol. I (1939), Numbers 5 and 6.

2. This fact and the following information regarding secondary schools is taken from issues 14 and 17 of Magyar Kisebbseg, 1924; moreover, from the enclosures to the Memoire supplementai re submitted to the League of Nations in 1925.

3. Onisifor Ghibu, Politica religioasa si minoritara a Romaniei (Cluj: 1940), p. 832.

4. Prie, op. cit.

5. Minutes of the general assembly of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania in 1923, p. 122.

6. Ibid., p. 123.

7. Ghibu, Politica religioasa, p. 832.

8. Section on the churches of the minorities and on the land reform in Transylvania in Sulyok and Fritz, eds., op. cit., p. 72.

9. Report of the Governing Council of the Reformed Diocese of Transylvania from November 1, 1933 to November 1, 1935, pp. 24-25.

10. Minutes of the general assembly of the Reformed Diocese of Transylvania, in 1923, p. 70.

11. Universul, December 5, 1936.

12. Monitorul Oficial, January 29, 1938.

13. Monitorul Oficial, March 8, 1925.

14. A. Dima, Scoala secundara in lumina bacalaureatului, Bucharest, 1928.

15. The report of the Governing Council of the Reformed Diocese of Transylvania, 1933-35, p. 60.

16. Patria, August 2, 1925.

17. Revista Generala a Invatamantului, September 1925, p. 445.

18. Keleti Ujsag, February 1, 1929.

19. Brassoi Lapok, February 22, 1929.

20. The data are taken from the official church reports.


21. Barabas, A romaniai magyar nyelvu oktatas.

22. Erdelyi Tudosito, a social weekly of the Catholic Church, Brasov, December 9, 1928. Reprinted in Barabas, A romaniai magyar nyelvu oktatas, pp. 62-73.

23. Dragomir, op. cit., "elles ont ete introduites comme le meilleur moyen de former la conscience civique," p. 183.

24. Erdelyi Tudosito, January 27, 1929.

25. The 1928 report of the Governing Council of the Reformed Diocese of Transylvania, 1928, pp. 20-21.

26. Ibid

27. Magyar Szemle, August 1939.

28. Barabas, op. cit., p. 29.

29. Barabas, op. cit.

30. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1934, pp. 255-56.

31. "Student associations and minority rights," Adevarul, March 15, 1932. A Hungarian translation of the article printed in Urmosi-Maurer, op. cit., pp. 102-115.

32. For a short summary of the work of the Romanian University of Cluj, see Sandor Biro, "A kolozsvari egyetem a roman uralom alatt" [The University of Cluj under Romanian Rule]. In, Erdely Magyar Egyeteme [Transylvania's Hungarian University]. Eds., Gyorgy Bisztray, Attila T. Szabo, and Lajos Tamas, (Kolozsvar, 1941), pp. 305,-332.

33. Lajos Kantor, "Az Erdelyi Muzeum-Egyesulet utolso 10 esztendeje" [The Last Ten Years of the E.M.E.]. In: Sulyok and Fritz, eds., op. cit., p. 216 ff.

34. Ibid

35. Attila T. Szabo, "Az erdelyi tudomanyos elet husz eve" [Twenty Years of scholarly Life in Transylvania], Keleti Ujsag, December 25, 1938.

36. Oberding, op. cit., p. 71.

37. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1923, pp. 705-11, and 1935, p. 644.

38. Ibid, 1930, p. 627.

39. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1923, p. 665.

40. Geza Berey , Nehany szo az ujsagirasrol [A Few Words about Journalism] (Satu Mare, 1936), p. 53.

41. Ibid

42. According to the data collected by Erno Ligeti.

43. Ivan David, "Az erdelyi magyar szineszet ket evtizedes utja" [Two Decades of Hungarian Theater in Transylvania], Keleti Ujsag, December 25, 1938.

Chapter VI.

1. Sorban, op. cit.

2. Dacia, May 18,1920.

3. Sorban, op. cit., pp. 96-98.

4. La lutte contre l'absolutisme, pp. 13-15.


5. Entries for February 17, 1929, in Sulyok and Fritz, eds., op. cit., p. 2.

6. "Az erdelyi romanok temesvari nagygyulese" [The Grand Assembly of the Romanians of Transylvania at Temesvar], Krasso-Szorenyi Lapok, April 26,1923.

7. In: Nicolae Ghiulea, "Apararea nationala," Societatea de Maine, June 18, 1926, p. 510, quoted by Szasz, op. cit., pp. 127-128.

8. C. G. Costa-Foru, Abuzurile si crimele sigurantei generale ale statului (Bucharest, 1925) p. 4. Szasz, op. cit., pp. 124-125.

9. The intervention by Jozsef Willer was printed in Magyar Kisebbseg, 1931, pp. 888-892.

10. La lutte contre l'absolutisme en Roumanie (Bucharest, 1923), p. 16.

11. Oberding, op. cit., p. 67; Szasz, op. cit., pp. 173-174.

12. Onisifor Ghibu, Politica religioasa, p. 832.

13. Courier de Geneve, March 5, 1937, printed in Ghibu, Ibid., pp. 321-324. Later, as a result of pressure by foreign public opinion, the government returned the Felix spa to the Premontre Order.

14. Oberding, op. cit., p. 96.

15. On the basis of the official bulletin, Monitorul Oficial, Nagy, op. cit., pp. 88-94, gives a detailed account of the Romanian measures introducing the state of emergency and censorship.

16. "Verekedes a parlamentben"[Brawl in the Parliament], Uj Kelet, June 1, 1923.

17. Romania, November 11, 1923.

18. Monitorul Oficial, November 21, 1928, Number 260; Nagy, op. cit., p. 90.

19. Consult the chronology in Sulyok and Fritz, eds., op. cit.

20. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1931, p. 319.

21. "Illusztracio a kisebbsegek vedelmeben" [Illustration in defense of the minorities], Bihari Ujsag, January 13, 1921.

22. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1923, p. 132.

23. These data were kindly provided by Gyula Walter.

24. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1936, p. 270; Imre Miko, Huszonket ev. Az erdelyi magyarsag politikai tortenete 1918 december 1-tol 1940 augusztus 30-ig [Twenty- two Years. The Political History of the Hungarians of Transylvania from December 1, 1918, to August 30, 1940] (Budapest, 1941), pp. 169-170.

25. These data were kindly provided by Domokos Gyallay.

26. Sorban, op. cit., p. 81.

27. Laszlo Fritz, "Ujabb kisebbsegi jogserelmek" [Further Minority Grievances], Magyar Kisebbseg, 1931, p. 783.

28. The complete text of the decree is printed in the February 26, 1938, issue of the Keleti Ujsag published in Cluj. The decree was communicated to the Hungarian residents by means of posters in Romanian.

29. The minutes of the Main Council of the Unitarian Church, Cluj, 1936.

30. "Csendorok fenyegetik Udvarhely megyeben a szekely nepmuveszetet" [In Odorhei County the Gendarmes are Threatening Szekely Folk Art], Keleti Ujsag, June 8, 1934.

31. The 1923 report of the Governing Council of the Reformed Church of Transylvania.

32. Ibid.


33. The chronological appendix, Sulyok and Fritz, eds., op. cit.

34. Personal collection.

35. Magyar Kisebbseg, 1936, p. 538.

36. Gazeta Ardealului, February 28, 1922.

37. Epoca, March 8, 1922.

38. Le Progres, March 13, 1922.

39. Lupta, February 27, 1923.

40. "Contractul dela Alba Iulia" Infratirea, March 3, 1923.

41. Ion Ruru Abrudeanu, Pacatele Ardealului fata de sufleatul vechiului regat (Bucharest, 1930), p. 524.

42. "Dupa alegeruea dela Ighiu...," Adevarul, March 4, 1923.

43. La lutte contre l'absolutisme, pp. 56-58.

44. Dimineata, July 9, 1927.

45. "Impiedicati decadenta oraselor ardelenesti," Lupta, May 3, 1923.

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